Zaaizaad en Pootgoed Coöperatie
(Seed and Seed potato Cooperation)

Photo: Bildts Aigene

Research: Erfgoed Fundaasje
Translation into English: Peter Venema
This article looks into the history of the Z.P.C. as a plant breeding company and as a trading company. It is largely set-up in chronological order, but here and there it deviates from this and the matter is treated by subject. This is self-explanatory.
In addition, great attention is paid to genealogical data of people involved in this matter (shown in italics).
Heritage Foundation aims to describe more and more history in business and man, or rather: man and business.
The fifth chapter – Personal details of personnel – 1919-1953 – initially provides a description of participants on all fronts. Help in this regard is therefore very welcome. Biographical data and photos can be sent to: info@erfgoed-fundaasje.nl. For information: 058-212 00 35.
In 1999, the Z.P.C. merged with Hettema B.V. to form HZPC Holland B.V. Also for the period following this, Heritage Foundation wants to shed light on the work and the workers. This venture is thus in its infancy.
Information is taken from: Johannes Bekius, De voorgeschiedenis der ZPC, typescript, Bergen (North Holland), not dated, but probably published in 1953. Bekius, former director of the ZPC, wrote this comprehensive and very readable chronicle after he retired. The text and layout of it is largely adopted from this, as well as the writing style.
See also:
-Jan P. van Loon, Door eendrachtige samenwerking – De geschiedenis van de aardappelveredeling in Nederland – van hobby tot industrie 1888-2018, thesis, Wageningen 2019.
-J.C. Dorst, Knopmutatie bij den aardappel en hare betekenis voor den landbouw, thesis, Wageningen 1924.
-Dr J.C. Dorst, Over het kweekveld der Friesche Maatschappij van Landbouw te Engelum.
-anonymous – presumably the author is J.C. Dorst, De veredeling van en de handel in het zaai- en pootgoed, goedgekeurd door de Friesche Maatschappij van Landbouw, Z.P.C., Leeuwarden, Printer Buisman, approximately 1925.
Informants: Tsjisse D. Brouwer, (TDB), Camiel Hoogland (CH), Otto Hoogland (OH), Johannes G. de Jong (JG), Sjouke Sch. Lep (SL), Minne Lettinga (ML), Jan G. Nauta (JGN), Durk S. van der Schaaf (DS), Anton Sevenster (A.S.), Broer A.J. Siderius (BS), Rients H. Westra (RHW).
Research and ©: Stichting Erfgoed Fundaasje-Frysk en Frij.
* = born
~ = baptized
x = married
† = deceased
[] = buried
DG = Doopsgesind = Mennonite
EV = Evangelys Luters = Lutheran
FG = Frij Evangelys = Free Evangelical
G= Grifformeard = Reformed
GT = Gjin Tsjerkegenoatskip = Non-denominational
KG = Kristlik Grifformeard (Ofskieden) = Christian Reformed (Separated)
NH = Nederlâns Herfoarmd = Dutch Reformed (if nothing is noted, the person concerned is Dutch Reformed)
RK = Rooms Katolyk = Roman Catholic
1 In the beginning: seeds in exhibitions – 1883
2 Jakob Wiersma, leader in plant breeding
3 Bureau for the sale of seeds and seed potatoes – 1913
4 Establishment of the Z.P.C. – Frisian Cooperative Trade Association for Seeds and Seed potatoes – 1919
5 A Competitor: The Commission Trade – 1919
6 Personal details of board members and personnel – 1919-1953
7 Establishment of the K.I.Z. – Inspection Institute for Cereal seeds, Seeds for sowing and Seed potatoes – 1919
8 Z.P.C. guaranteed prices – 1919
9 Johannes Bekius, appointed deputy – 1920
1 In the beginning: seeds in exhibitions – 1883
At the end of the 19th century, some farmers and traders in the Klaaiboustreek region are interested in the cultivation of seeds, seeds for sowing and seedlings. These are mainly peas and white clover seeds.
Since 1883 exhibitions are being held for them at the Amicitia Hotel in Leeuwarden. These are seeds that have been cultivated by farmers and merchants and prepared for trade. This soon includes the Frisian white-flowered lineseed line and the broad bean.
These exhibitions take place under the direction of the board which consists of:
-Bokke Cornelis Algra, grain merchant in Stiens
-D. Jensma in Berltsum
-Watze Hessels Bierma, cattle and potato farmer and stone manufacturer in Oudebildtzijl near Vrouwenparochie.
At the Frisian Agricultural Society, it is especially the second chairman Jakob Pieters Wiersma in Ferwert who takes an interest in these exhibitions.
–Bokke Cornelis Algra * Stiens 25-10-1862 † 21-12-1942; son of Cornelis Bokkes Algra, grain merchant in Stiens, and Grietje Pieters Miedema;
x Ferwerderadiel 26-5-1887 Ytske Jans Hoogland * Ferwert 22-7-1866 † Stiens 17-2-1948, 81 years; daughter of Jan Pieters Hoogland, grain merchant in Ferwert, and Jantje Baukes Roorda.
See: J.IJ. Feenstra, Het geslacht Hoogland, VIIIi.5, Genealogysk Jierboekje Fryske Akademy 1962, Leeuwarden, 1962.
-D. Jensma in Berltsum [information forthcoming].
-Watze Hessels Bierma * Ternaard 2-2-1843 † Leeuwarden 18-4-1919; son of Hessel Watzes Bierma, cattle and potato farmer in Ternaard and Oudebildtzijl, and Trijntje Kornelis Hartmans
x Leeuwarderadeel 24-5-1866 Gerlantje Pieters de Boer * Britsum 8-5-1847 † Leeuwarden 6-9-1911; daughter of Pieter Boyens de Boer and Teertje Piers Lettinga, farmers in Britsum.
See: J.IJ. Feenstra, Het geslacht Bierma, Via, Genealogysk Jierboekje 1957, Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, 1957.
–Jakob Pieters Wiersma * Hallum 19-4-1866 † Leeuwarden 15-5-1940, 74 years; at time of marriage teacher in Hallum, in 1888 in Ferwert; in 1909 there administrator; director of the Bureau for the Sale of Seeds and Seed potatoes; son of Pieter Jans Wiersma, worker in Hallum in 1844, from 1845 until his death in 1876 smallholder under Hallum, and Martje Menkes van Dijk;
x Ferwerderadiel 16-5-1887, 21 and 20 years, Trijntje Dantuma * Ferwert 24-1-1867 † Leeuwarden 22-1-1949, 81 years; at time of marriage without profession in Ferwert; daughter of Regnerus Eilofs Dantuma and Maaike Pieters Laverman, bakers in Ferwert.
1 Maaike Wiersma * Ferwert 28-2-1888 † Franeker 14-1-1949, 74 years;
x Ferwerderadiel 10-7-1909, 21 and 27 years, Rendert Annes Ypey (Rindert; also: IJpeij, Ypeij; R. Ypey Jr) * Hallum 20-8-1881 † Leeuwarden 4-5-1960, 78 years; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower in Ferwert; son of Anne Klazes Ypey and Frouwkje Renderts Talsma, cattle and potato farmers in Ferwert.
2 Martje Atje Wiersma (Marta) * Ferwert 24-2-1891 † Meeden, Groningen, 25-6-1956; executive assistant at the Bureau;
x 8-4-1924 Hendrik Hofstee Aukema * Zevenhuizen, Groningen, 25-12-1893 † Meeden, Groningen, 17-2-1956; cattle and potato farmer in Meeden; son of Jan Aukema and Jantje Hofstee, cattle and potato farmers in Zevenhuizen and Meeden.
2 Jakob Wiersma, leader in plant breeding
In the chronicle of the Z.P.C. it is stated that Jakob Wiersma is the son of a simple farm worker. During his adolescence, there was often extreme poverty in the family. Especially in winter, hunger is often at the doorstep. Later, Jakob talks about the misery of his youth. Frequently they have to satisfy their hunger with a piece of bread with rapeseed oil and if that is not available, with a carrot or a turnip.
According to the Civil Registry, Jakob’s father is first a worker and later a smallholder. However, with small-scale smallholders, poverty was often the case.
Rascal Jakob wants to be better off. At school it becomes apparent that he has a good head on his shoulders. The headmaster considers him suitable for teaching. He completes that study with many sacrifices. However, being a teacher doesn’t make a lot of money. Jakob is looking for the prosperity of cattle and potato farmers and merchants. He cannot become a farmer, as he lacks the money required. He turns to trade. He seeks out the Ferwerter grain merchant Jan Pieters Hoogland and becomes an assistant in accounting and slowly as a merchant.
See: J.IJ. Feenstra, Het geslacht Hoogland, VIIIi.
During that time, guano makes its entrance as manure. Jakob persuades farmers to try some of it out. After guano, nitratine and other fertilizers soon follow, which over time he trades himself. With Hoogland he maintains a friendly relationship. Jakob Wiersma is slowly making a bundle. He starts trading fertile terp soil to farmers in the Lege Geaen and the fens. After the soil is deposited onto the grasslands, white clover starts growing and the grass becomes much denser. Wiersma, first in cooperation with Hoogland and later on his own has barges, sniks and skûtsjes loaded with terp soil, which he conveniently got from terp owning farmers. This is desirable for farmers in the clay regions and peatlands.
The farmers are asking more and more for terp soil and fertilizer, in addition to grain and seeds and especially seedlings. Wiersma becomes a consultant for farmers in the area. Some consider Jakob with his bright eyes and wide-set ears too clever and cunning. But in general, they like him and he becomes a well-to-do man.
He is prominent at the meetings of the Friesche Mij. He is nominated as a member of the executive board and appointed by the General Assembly as such. Later he becomes vice-president.
According to Jakob Wiersma, something’s not right about the inspection of the seeds at the February exhibition at the Amicitia Hotel: the seeds aren’t allowed to be evaluated on racial purity, or only allowed to be evaluated with subject to reservation. He discusses this with grain merchant Bokke Algra. On their own account they inspect various fields on the businesses from which seeds are regularly sent in, but for the most part they know nothing of how the crops stood in the field.
Wiersma insists in the meetings of the Friesche Mij that an organization should be established that inspect the fields in summer and that the farmer concerned gets the right to show his seedlings at the exhibitions at the Amicitia Hotel.
As a result, the so-named Field Inspection Service is founded by the Friesche Mij in 1903.
Firstly, only grain and seeds will be inspected. The most important of these are the Frisian white-flowered flax seeds, white clover seeds, peas and beans. Bokke Algra becomes chairman of the Field Inspection Service.
Years earlier, in July, farmers from South Holland and Zeeland, usually on behalf of a group or association, came to Friesland to look for potato fields from which they wanted to buy potato sprouts. Some always go to the same grower. For example, Watze Hessels Bierma from Oudebildtzijl under Vrouwenparochie and after him his son Pieter, can always count on them receiving a visit from a delegation of the Agricultural Association in Strijen. All Eigenheimer sprouts that are grown by Bierma can be used by the association, which suits their needs so well that they don’t want to accept any more members because the Biermas are unable to supply more seed potatoes. There are more growers who have such regular customers. But most buyers go to more than one company in Friesland. It is said that a Frisian farmer who has excellent crops occasionally sells more from that plot of land and then supplies different goods from those good seed potatoes. Letters are being written to the Friesche Mij when a buyer gets a much less product than he expected. At the insistence of buyers from Zeeland, attempts are being made to impose restrictions on such practices: the inspection committee will now also evaluate the potato fields. In 1908, the potato plots are added to the field inspection.
First and foremost, attention is paid to ‘high white blooms’ and ‘prûken (‘wigs’, potato plants that do not grow and bear little or no fruit) in the Eigenheimer. All of a sudden, the leaf rollers (not in the Eigenheimer) and topbûnt (top discoloration, a potato disease) come into view. The name topbûnt comes from inspector Tjeerd Frederiks Schat in Sint Annaparochie.
–Tjeerd Frederiks Schat * Sint Annaparochie 16-8-1859 † there 25-10-1939, 80 years; in 1888 smallholder, in 1884, 1907 fruit grower in Sint Annaparochie (house nrs. 156b, 450, 467, 208, 398), in 1914 there merchant; potato inspector; son of Pieter Jans Schat, fruit grower in Sint Annaparochie (house nrs. 54a, 151), and Akke Tjeerds Wassenaar;
x 1 Het Bildt 21-6-1883, both 23 jier, Saakje Jogchums Hiemstra * Sint Annaparochie 10-12-1859 † there 7-3-1884, 24 years; at time of marriage and death without profession in Sint Annaparochie; daughter of Jogchum Klazes Hiemstra and Antje Pieters Anema, in 1859 farmers in Sint Annaparochie, in 1883 smallholders there;
x 2 Het Bildt 30-7-1885, 25 and 26 years, Aafke Frederiks Hoitsma * Berltsum 17-6-1859 † Sint Annaparochie 24-4-1955, 95 years; at time of marriage without profession in Berltsum; daughter of Frederik Dirks Hoitsma, house painter in Berltsum, and Geeltje Hendriks de Boer.
Children from the second marriage, among others:
-Frederik Tjeerds Schat (Frits) * Sint Annaparochie 3-2-1891 † there 5-1-1970, 78 years, [] Sint Annaparochie; merchant and fruit grower in Sint Annaparochie; head of shipping at the Friesche Mij;
x Het Bildt 2-7-1914, 23 and 25 years, Trijntje Koopmans * Wijnaldum 25-3-1889 † Sint Annaparochie 2-10-1975, 86 years, [] Sint Annaparochie; at time of marriage without profession in Huizum; daughter of Jan Pieters Koopmans and Ytje Gerlofs Terpstra, farmers in Wijnaldum; Trijntje is a sister of the potato grower Piter Koopmans, see below.
At the time of the inspection of potatoes, not many farmers are present: in 1908 there are sixty, with a total of 350 pûnsmiet (119 ha.). It soon becomes apparent that the system does not prevent all fraud. In 1910 Klaas Jaspers van der Akker in Berltsum indicates the deception that is happening in the seed potato trade. In 1911, the Friesche Mij adopted a regulation on the sale of approved potato sprouts. The certification mark of the Friesche Mij was handed over in 1912 to three potato buyers: Bokke Cornelis Algra, Jakob Pieters Wiersma and Tjeerd Frederiks Schat. Tjeerd Schat’s son is appointed head of shipping: Frederik Tjeerds Schat.
Klaas Jans Rienks and Pieter Watzes Bierma are against this system, Klaas Jaspers van den Akker and Jakob Pieters Wiersma argue in favour of it.
In 1913 Lammert Scheltes Hilarides from Pingjum considers it desireable that the sale and transport of the potato sprouts would be done directly by the Friesche Mij. The board is not in favour of this, but decides on 28-5-1913 to set up a Bureau for the Sale of Seeds and Seed potatoes.
–Klaas Jans Rienks, see: Pedigree Anneke Bouma – 28 and 29; see also: Genealogy Rienks.
-Pieter Watzes Bierma, also: P. Bierma Wzn; Bierma is honorary chairman of the Z.P.C .; he, like his fellow board members, has many functions in the field of agriculture and water management, as such he is dike-reeve of Het Oude Bildt; see: Het geslacht Bierma – VIIIa.
–Klaas Jaspers van den Akker * Wier 1-3-1864 † Berltsum 22-10-1943; cattle and potato farmer in Wier (house nrs. 514, 86, 47, 2), since 1-5-1892 of independent means in Berltsum (house nrs. 8a, 9); board member Friesche Mij; pioneer of agricultural education in Friesland; poet and writer, among others Van den mond der Oude Middelzee; Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau; honorary member of Friesche Mij; son of Jasper Leenderts van den Akker and Grietje Klazes Schat, smallholders and farmers in Wier;
x Menameradiel 12-5-1887, 23 and 22 years, Grietje Gerrits Dijkstra * Wytgaard 14-9-1864 † Berltsum 22-10-1943; at time of marriage teacher in Huizum; daughter of Gerrit Jacobs Dijkstra, in 1864 teacher in Wytgaard, in 1887 headmaster in Huizum, and Johanna Andries Nieuwland.
1 Johanna van den Akker * Wier 6-8-1887 † Boksum 14-5-1918; at time of marriage without profession in Berltsum;
x Menameradiel 14-5-1912, 28 and 24 years, Tæke Minnes Cuperus * Goutum 10-8-1883 † Sint Annaparochie 14-5-1969; cattle breeder in Boksum; son of Minne Klazes Cuperus and Baukje Sjoerds de Jong, cattle breeders in Goutum and Boksum.
2 Grietje van den Akker * Wier 20-12-1890 † Harlingen 5-10-1987; at time of marriage without profession in Berltsum; previously teacher, 1905-1909 in Arnhem;
x Menameradiel 7-7-1917, both 26 years old, Lourens Aukes van der Meij * Berltsum 13-1-1891 † Harlingen 3-6-1978, since 3-1-1913 architectural supervisor in Sneek, idem for water authority in Harlingen; son of Auke Jans van der Meij, carpenter in Berltsum (house nrs 277, 338), and Trijntje Eeltjes Lautenbach.
–Lammert Scheltes Hilarides, see: Genealogy Hilarides VIII.5.
3 Bureau for the sale of seeds and seed potatoes – 1913
When it was founded in 1913, Jakob Pieters Wiersma was appointed director of the Bureau.
The board consists of Ulbe Gæles Hoekstra, cattle and potato farmer in Stiens; Pieter Jacobs Botma, cattle and potato farmer in Ænjum; Evert Cornelis Slim, cattle and potato farmer in Sint Annaparochie; the secretary is Cornelis Broekema, secretary of the Friesche Mij.
-Ulbe Gæles Hoekstra * Reitsum 6-1-1854 † Leeuwarden 22-1-1941, 87 years old; cattle and potato farmer in Stiens; chairman of the Bureau of the Friesche Mij; son of Gæle Cornelis Hoekstra and Kunskje Ulbes Noordenbos, in 1854 cattle and potato farmers in Reitsum, in 1881 in Stiens;
x Leeuwarderadeel 21-5-1881, 27 and 21 years old, Swopkje Arjens Rienks * Stiens 29-11-1859 † Leeuwarden 21-7-1940; at time of marriage without profession in Stiens; daughter of Arjen Hessels Rienks and Hiske Rinses de Jong, cattle and potato farmers in Stiens.
Children, including:
Hiske Hoekstra * Stiens 30-8-1888; at time of marriage without profession in Stiens;
x Leeuwarderadeel 29-7-1913, 24 and 26 years old, Piet de Vries * Jellum 6-5-1887; at time of marriage teacher in Groningen; applicant for director of the Bureau of the Friesche Mij; son of Douwe de Vries, school principal in Jellum, and Tætske Dijkstra.
–Pieter Jacobs Botma, see: Genealogy Botma VIII.5.
-Evert Cornelis Slim * Sint Annaparochie 10-1-1861 † there 23-3-1931, 70 years old; first NH, later GT; cattle and potato farmer in Sint Annaparochie (house nrs. 382, 290, 633, 386); son of Cornelis Jacobs Slim and Grietje Everts Bekius, cattle and potato farmer and cattle breeder in Sint Annaparochie;
x Het Bildt 10-5-1883, 22 and 19 years old, Klaasje Annes Nauta * Sint Jacobiparochie 27-4-1864 † Sint Annaparochie 21-5-1932, 68 years old; KG, later G; daughter of Anne Gerrits Nauta (KG) and Antje Pieters de Groot (KG), cattle and potato farmers in Sint Jacobiparochie.
-Cornelis Broekema * Wageningen 13-12-1883 † there 10-6-1940, 56 years old; agricultural engineer; secretary of the Friesche Mij; professor; son of Luitje Derks Broekema, agricultural engineer, professor (prof. dr.) in Wageningen, and Martje Cornelis van Ikema;
x Wageningen 26-5-1909, 25 and 26 years old, Dorothea Catharina Helena Christina Bakker * Franeker 5-6-1882 † Arnhem 15-2-1951, 68 years old; daughter of Cornelis Bakker, NH minister, and Marianne Lulofs (DG).
Children, including:
Marianne Madzy Margaretha Broekema * Franeker 12-5-1910 † Wageningen 27-9-2003, 93 years old; biologist;
x Groningen 13-8-1942 Hendrik Willem van Dobben * Weidum 22-9-1907 † Wageningen 19-5-1999, 92 years old; field ornithologist, agricultural botanist, professor of plant ecology; son of Johannes Frederik van Dobben, NH minister, and Annechien Folmer.
Track record of Broekema:
-Rijks Hogere Burgerschool in Groningen
-1905 degree agricultural engineer Dutch Agricultural Science at the National Agricultural College in Wageningen;
–1907 teaching certificate Agricultural science;
–1907-’08 candidate national agricultural teacher South Holland;
–1908 study cattle breeding Polytechnicum in Zürich;
–1909-’16 secretary of the Friesche Mij, in this capacity editor of the Friesch Weekblad and member of various agricultural committees, among others the Lease Committee;
–1916 until its closing in 1918 director of the Agricultural Export Bureau;
–1918 director of the Groninger Coöperatieve Vereeniging van Zaadtelers (Groninger Cooperative Association of Seed Growers, G.V.Z.), in this framework scientific breeder of cultivated crops at the farm of GVZ in Roodeschool;
–1923 professor (prof. dr.) breeder of agricultural crops at the National Agricultural College in Wageningen, there director of the institute of agricultural crops;
-honorary member of the Friesche Mij; knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion; commander in the French Ordre du Mérite agricole.
See: Personalities in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (article in dutch).
The salary of director Jakob Wiersma of the Bureau is set at ƒ 5,000.00 per year. The travel and accommodation costs to the Exchange in Leeuwarden, Franeker and Dokkum come out of his own pocket, he can charge everything else. He has to pay a ƒ 5,000.00 deposit and gets a reimbursement for the printing costs and advertising regarding the Bureau, but he himself has to pay for the stamps, telegrams, telephone costs and if necessary the salary of one or more clerks. He is not responsible for defaulters. The leadership of the Bureau can be regarded as a job on the side. His daughter Martha helps him with the administration of all his affairs.
Wiersma is dissatisfied with his position at the Bureau. Already in the first meeting of the executive committee he makes a request to look for a replacement.
Wiersma received a working visit in Friesland from Aloïs Suys from Meijere, an agricultural teacher at Aalst in Belgium, and Suys published a booklet with photos about it. Afterwards he receives a fee of ƒ 100.00 and the Friesche Mij buys ƒ 50.00 worth of copies from the second printing. Suys also has a trade in potato sprouts and writes that he is suffering severe damage due to the establishment of the Bureau regarding the sale of his seed potatoes. He asked if he could not become general representative for Belgium. On a proposal from Wiersma, he is appointed as propagandist; he will give Wiersma the addresses of buyers and let him know what prices will be made in Belgium. In addition, he receives a percentage of the turnover, so that he can earn approximately ƒ 250.00 per year. However, due to the outbreak of the First World War, Wiersma was unable to contact Suys, so the proposal was not implemented.
In 1913, the first year of the Bureau, the turnover is ƒ 60,000.00, the balance is ƒ 400.00. The Bureau makes the decision to exempt farmers who submit approved seedlings for the exhibition at the Amicitia Hotel in February from naming a prize if they hand over the seeds to the Bureau. The Bureau has no warehouse and no machines to clean the seeds. This is outsourced to Dirk de Vries’ factory in Leeuwarden. In the first year, the turnover of seedlings is ƒ 5,000.00.
In 1914, the inspection declaration for the potatoes had already risen to 5,400 pûnsmiet (1,984 ha.). The largest declaration comes from Menameradiel. On July 3, 73 plots are approved and 31 rejected. In Barradeel these numbers are 29 and 10, in Het Bildt 20 and 5 and in East Dongeradeel 1 and 8, respectively.
The quantity that is to be sold is estimated at 72,000 H.L.
when prices for the grower and sizes are set, all per 70 kilos:
Eigenheimer sprouts: 32/42 for ƒ 2,75
idem 2nd species: 28/32 for ƒ 2,50
idem triplets: 42/46 for ƒ 2,25
Blauwe Borgers: 32/42 for ƒ 2,75
Industry: 35/45 for ƒ 3,00
English Export species: 35/45 for ƒ 2,50
Blauwen: 32/42 for ƒ 2,50
Bravo: 32/42 for ƒ 3,00
Redstar, Frisum, Dedje, De Wet and Bûnte Blauwen: 32/42 for ƒ 2,50.
Sales prices are 25 cents higher.
The 1914-15 harvest has a turnover of ƒ 56,960,12,5; the payout to the members is ƒ 52,477.40. On the sacks a profit is made of ƒ 150.41, while the expenses are ƒ 4,707.88, so that there is a deficit of ƒ 74.74. This will be paid for by the Friesche Mij.
In 1915, ’16 and ’17 there is an upturn in business. The executive committee decides to appoint a deputy director. In August 1917 there are two applicants: Piet de Vries, teacher in Groningen, son-in-law of chairman Ulbe Gæles Hoekstra (see there); and Yme Christiaans Schuitmaker, potato merchant in Franeker. The salary is set at ƒ 1,500.00. De Vries doesn’t settle for less ƒ 1,600.00, as such, he is no longer considered.
-Yme Christiaans Schuitmaker * Franeker 22-2-1877 † Leeuwarden 16-9-1961, 84 years old; first NH, later GT; potato merchant in Franeker; director of the Bureau; playwright, sided with the Germans; moves 11-5-1911 from Franeker to Leeuwarden (Westersingel 44), then without any particular profession; moves 26-4-1927 to Wassenaar, then returns to Leeuwarden on 14-11-1931; son of Christiaan Ypes Schuitmaker, domestic merchant in Franeker in 1862, a shopkeeper there in 1877, a merchant there in 1903, and Aukje Ymes Brijker;
x 1 Franeker 23-7-1903, 26 and 22 years old, Maartje Sytzes Sytsma * Achlum 5-3-1881 † Leeuwarden 2-2-1933, 51 years old; daughter of Sytze Cornelis Sytsma and Geertje Jans Buwalda, in 1881 farmers in Achlum, in 1903 in Franeker;
x 2 Leeuwarden 20-7-1934, 57 and 31 years old, Boukje Gerbens Schaafsma * Wergea 30-9-1902; at time of marriage without profession in Leeuwarden; daughter of Gerben Rienks Schaafsma, in 1902 worker in Gorredijk, in 1902, ’04 idem in Achlum, in 1934 idem in Oranjewoud, and Martsen Annes Terpstra.
Schuitmaker is a practical man and a capable organizer. He is at the office for the potato distribution and agrees to a salary of f 1,500.00 on the condition that he is able to continue with similar work on the side if it’s not in conflict with the objective of the Bureau. Cornelis Broekema’s successor as secretary of the Friesche Mij, J. van der Meer, is willing to risk it with Schuitmaker, so he is appointed.
Wiersma has complained before that some suppliers are getting too independent. He would like the Bureau to be transformed into an association. In 1918 he thinks of resigning, and in the spring of that year he tenders his resignation. He again proposes the transformation into the form of association, according to the law of 1876 with liable members and legal personality. According to him, the Bureau should be transformed into a cooperative association with two main departments: one for potato sprouts and one for seedlings, each under experienced leadership, each with a salary of ƒ 1,500.00 plus 2 percent of the gross turnover. Postage, telegrams and travel expenses will then have to be borne by the association. Wiersma proposes to have auxiliary staff paid by the director.
As government measures are still in place, the management wants to leave the situation as it is at first. However, at the meeting of May 3, 1918, it is decided to propose the following at the meeting of May 10:
1 Split into a department for seed potatoes and one for seedlings.
2 Involvement of two or three traders in the potato sprout trade, provided they do not trade in rejected and unapproved seed potatoes. Commission fee: 10 cents per H.L.
3 The director of the department of seed potatoes may have no ancillary positions in the field of potatoes and for other functions a permit is required.
4 The Bureau appoints and pays auxiliary staff.
5 The director receives a remuneration of ƒ 1,500.00 plus 1 percent of the gross turnover.
These proposals are adopted.
In the autumn of 1918, Bokke Algra complains about the tight allocation: he receives only 40 percent of the potato sprouts ordered by him. And he, along with his customers will no longer be satisfied with rejected or unapproved seed potatoes. Other buyers are also dissatisfied, including some in Numansdorp. They buy seed potatoes from three farmers in Minnertsga and now only get part of it.
In the same autumn, ir. Jacobus Cornelis Dorst joins the Friesche Mij as a plant breeding consultant. The Bureau asks to have him appointed as scientific adviser. That would cost ƒ 500.00 a year, but if the Bureau isn’t able to pay that, it will have to be contributed by the Friesche Mij.
–Jacobus Cornelis Dorst * Sint-Annaland, Zeeland, 19-7-1894 † Wageningen 10-1-1979, 84 years old; grower of potato and flax varieties; lives in 1918 in Wageningen and Leeuwarden (Droevendal B41); comes on 6-9-1919 from Wageningen in Leeuwarden (Claes Bockes Balckstraat U35, Willemskade W39 upstairs); consultant for plant breeding at the Friesche Mij; professor of plant breeding at the National Agricultural College in Wageningen; founder and director of Stichting Plantenveredeling (Plant breeding Foundation); thre is a street named after him in Sint Jacobiparochie; son of Willem Dorst, grain miller in Sint-Annaland, and Jacoba Zandee, in 1928 both without profession in Halsteren;
x Leeuwarden 7-8-1928, 34 and 27 years old, Frieda Leopoldine Ratz * Vienna 7-10-1900; first EV, later GT; lived in 1922 and ’24 as a foster daughter with Pieter Heins Hilarides and Tietje Doedes Span in Leeuwarden, previously cattle and potato farmers in Pingjum; lives in Vienna in 1923, returns to Leeuwarden on 4-7-1924; at time of marriage there without profession; daughter of Michael Ratz, merchant in Vienna in 1928, and Leopoldine Gröber.
See: Genealogy Hilarides VII.7.12.
4 Establishment of the Z.P.C. – Frisian Cooperative Trade Association for Seeds and Seed potatoes – 1919
At the meetings of the Bureau, the decision is made to turn the Bureau into the Friesche Coöperatieve Handelsvereeniging voor Zaaizaad en Pootgoed (Frisian Cooperative Trade Association for Seeds and Seed potatoes). Wiersma becomes director of this new company.
The following are appointed as a provisional board:
-Lammert Scheltes Hilarides, see above
-Evert Cornelis Slim, idem
-Pieter Jacobs Botma, idem
-Dirk Jans van der Meij, cattle and potato farmer in Hegebeintum
-Andries Wigles Sinnema, cattle and potato farmer in Dronryp.
The secretary of the Friesche Mij will first act as secretary: J. van der Meer.
-Dirk Jans van der Meij * Sint Jacobiparochie 1870 † Hegebeintum 5-10-1922, 52 years old; at time of marriage cattle and potato farmer in Sint Jacobiparochie, later in Hegebeintum; son of Jan Dirks van der Meij and Trijntje Theunis Jensma, cattle and potato farmers in Sint Jacobiparochie;
x Ferwerderadiel 14-5-1892, 22 and 24 years old, Foekje Jans Jensma * Blije 17-3-1868 † Ferwert 31-8-1940, 72 years old; at time of marriage without profession in Blije; daughter of Jan Kornelis Jensma and Sjoukje Klazes Ypey, cattle and potato farmers in Blije
Children, including:
-Jan Dirks van der Meij * Hegebeintum 29-4-1893 † 19-11-1962, 69 years old; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower at the Attesweg under Vrouwenparochie;
x Het Bildt 17-5-1916, 23 and 22 years old, Froukje Johannes Bouma * Vrouwenparochie 11-3-1894 † Leeuwarden 18-2-1972, 77 years old, [cremated, Groningen]; daughter of Johannes Sipkes Bouma and Saapke Arjens Wassenaar, farmers in the Súdhoek region of Vrouwenparochie.
See: Pedigree Rindertje Bouma – numbers 4 and 5.
N.B. not to be confused with Jan Dirks van der Mei, with an i, of Pietersbierum.
-Andries Wigles Sinnema * Dronryp 19-3-1874 † there 27-8-1949, 75 years old; first NH, later GT; cattle and potato farmer in Dronryp; son of Wigle Pieters Sinnema (brother of Aukje) and Trijntje Andries Gerbens, cattle and potato farmers in Dronryp;
x Menameradiel 6-10-1898, 24 en 23 years old, cousins, Aukje Cornelia Sytsma * Dronryp 13-11-1875 † there 18-6-1935, 60 years old; at time of marriage without profession in Dronryp; NH; daughter of Cornelis Sytzes Sytsma, appraiser, and Aukje Pieters Sinnema (sister of Wigle), cattle and potato farmers in Dronryp.
5 A Competitor: the Combine The Commission Trade – 1919
One day before the Z.P.C. is founded, Rinze Klazes van Tuinen from Bitgum places an ad in the Leeuwarder Courant of his company with the challenging name the Combinatie De Commissiehandel (Combine The Commission Trade). He is a broker in potatoes, vegetables and fruits. It is probably a deliberate strategy that he places the ad at that moment.Van Tuinen has trade contacts with leading potato merchants, such as Erzo Gerrit Luttmer in Stadskanaal and Johannes Smit in Groningen – Van Tuinen contracts them in 1919 and ’20. They also do business with private trading companies Hettema in Bitgum and Braaksma in Berltsum.See: Cultura (1919-1922) and Cultura – International Trade.
Van Tuinen also trades in rapeseed straw and peat.
Evidently, Van Tuinen is not a threatening competitor of the Z.P.C., because already in 1920 it appears that he abandons the trade and becomes a farmer in Havelte.
Rinze van Tuinen’s father Klaas is a cousin of Hette Tjitzes Hettema, the founder of Hannelshûs Hettema, which the Z.P.C. merges with in 1999.
-Rinze Klazes van Tuinen * Bitgum 19-9-1881; G; in 1901 worker in Bitgummole (house numbers 110, 208), in 1907 smallholder there, in 1918 broker in potatoes and vegetables in Leeuwarden (Tuinstraat, later Gysbert Japicxstraat 88); moves 28-10-1920 with his household to Havelte (District HW 122b), Drenthe, is a farmer there; son of Klaas Symons van Tuinen, worker in Ingelum and Bitgum, and Martentje Dirks de Boer, smallholder in Bitgum;
x Menameradiel 31-5-1906, 24 and 23 years old, Gerbrig Anna de Haan * Wier 20-1-1883; first NH, later G; at time of marriage without profession in Berltsum; daughter of Sybren Ennes de Haan, skipper and merchant in Wier (no. 14) and Berltsum, and Sjoukje Reinders Westra.
Ljouwerter Krante, 22-5-1919Ljouwerter Krante 28-8-1919 Ljouwerter Krante, 28-8-1919
Ljouwerter Krante, 1919Ljouwerter Krante, 1909-1919
6 Personal details of board members and personnel – 1919-1953
From 1919 until the early 1950s, the following board members joined the Z.P.C.:
-Lammert Scheltes Hilarides, see above; 1919-’34 chairman
-Pieter Watzes Bierma, idem; 1919-’43 secretary; 1934-’52 chairman
-Dirk Jans van der Meij, idem; 1919-’22 board member
-Pieter Jacobs Botma, idem; 1919-’29 idem
-Andries Wigles Sinnema, idem; 1919-’28 idem
-Dirk Gerrits de Boer, in Blije; 1922-’38 idem
-Jan Gosses Terpstra, in Menaam; 1927-’34 idem; 1934-’50 secretary
-Douwe Lammerts Dijkstra, in Dronryp; 1928-’43 idem
-Adam Gerrits Elsinga, in Minnertsga; 1934-’51 idem
-Ids Hessels Bierma, in Holwerd; 1938-’52 idem; 1952 chairman
-Doeke Jans Oosterbaan, in Peins; 1943-’44 idem
-Herre Sybren Kingma, in Sint Jacobiparochie; 1944-’50 idem; 1951-’53 secretary
-Wigle Andries Sinnema, in Arum; 1950 idem
-Marten Gerrits Elsinga, in Minnertsga; 1951 idem
-Jan Arend Blanksma, in Sexbierum; 17-2-1953 secretary
-L. Blijdorp, in Emmeloord; 17-2-1953 secretary.
The board members of the Z.P.C. are generally well-to-do – and partly with their own property – cattle and potato farmers. Their spouses are no different. They are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. There are a few exceptions: Jan Goasses Terpstra from Menaam ‘works his way up’ – as the saying goes – from worker to smallholder and potato grower of considerable size.
The brothers from Minnertsga, Adam and Marten Elsinga’s father is first a worker and later a smallholder; Adam begins as skipper and Marten as smallholder; the brothers become potato growers of renown.
Herre Kingma is a cattle breeder’s son. He starts courting cattle and potato farmer’s daughter Anna Jannigje Rienks from Westhoek near Sint Jacobiparochie. The Rienks family considers Kingma below their station. But Anna Jannegje loves Herre, plots her own course and ends up with her darling in the States in Oregon. They inform the Rienks family that are going to get married there and are willing to return on condition that they take up residence the parental farm. And this happens.
–Dirk Gerrits de Boer * Minnertsga 15-10-1876 † Leeuwarden 15-2-1950, 73 years old, [] Blije; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower on Wynia sate, Vaardeburen under Blije; son of Gerrit Nannes de Boer and Hiske Franses Tilma, cattle and potato farmers in Minnertsga and on Vaardeburen.
See: Historische Vereninging Noordoost Friesland – Dirk Gerrits de Boer.
x Ferwerderadiel 26-5-1900, both 23 years old, Hendrikje Martens Dijkstra * Menaam 5-5-5-1877 † Leeuwarden 3-2-1954, 53 years old, [] Blije; at time of marriage without profession in Menaam; daughter of Marten Lammerts Dijkstra and Mettje Gerhards van der Meij, cattle and potato farmers in Menaam.
See: Historische Vereniging Noordoost Friesland – Hendrikje Martens Dijkstra.
-Jan Gosses Terpstra * Menaam 6-11-1880 † Tzummarum 3-4-1960, 79 years old, [] Menaam; at time of marriage worker in Menaam, in 1907 smallholder and potato grower; son of Gosse Tjeerds Terpstra, worker in Menaam (house numbers 269, 368), and Trijntje Symons de Haan;
x Menameradiel 24-5-1906, 25 and 22 years old, Pietje Jacobs Douma * Menaam 30-4-1884 † Tzummarum 16-12-1967, 82 years old, [] Menaam; at time of marriage without profession in Menaam; daughter of Jacob Hettes Douma, worker, later smallholder in Menaam, and Grietje Pieters Hiemstra.
See: Genealogy Douma – V.Nb.
-Douwe Lammerts Dijkstra * Dronryp 17-9-1890 † Leeuwarden 29-7-1980, 89 years old; farmer at Obbema farm in Hatsum in Dronryp; son of Lammert Jacobs Dijkstra and Anna Margaretha Bierma, cattle and potato farmers in Menaam and Dronryp;
x Menameradiel 15-5-1916, 25 and 22 years old, Tetje Tiedes Schat * Minnertsga 26-8-1893 † Leeuwarden 23-12-1975, 92 years old; daughter of Tiede Nammens Schat and Akke Jacobs Haima, cattle and potato farmers in Minnertsga.
See: Het Geslacht Bierma VIi.2.
-Adam Gerrits Elsinga * Minnertsga 2-9-1885 † Sint Annaparochie 5-10-1971, 86 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; skipper in Minnertsga, since about 1915 cattle and potato farmer and potato grower there; son of Gerrit Adams Elsinga, in 1880, ’85 worker in Minnertsga, in 1912 there smallholder and cattle and potato farmer, and Maartje Tjerks Kingma; Adam is a brother of Marten and Sytse Elsinga;
x Barradeel 25-5-1912, 26 and 21 years old, Trijntje Douwes de Boer * Witmarsum 2-3-1891 † 1-12-1-1961, 69 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; at time of marriage maid in Bolsward; daughter of Douwe Douwes de Boer, in 1890 worker in Zurich, Netherlands, 1912 idem in Witmarsum, in 1912 fisherman in Zurich, Netherlands, and Jeltje Willems Ybema.
–Ids Hessels Bierma * Holwerd 28-4-1892 † there 27-7-1971, 79 years old, [] Holwerd; at time of marriage gardener in Holwerd, later cattle and potato farmer and potato grower there at Hoekstra sate; son of Hessel Idses Bierma and Trijntje Willems Deinema, cattle and potato farmers in Holwerd;
x Doniawerstal 6-6-1919, 27 and 25 years old, Jantje Sipkes de Boer * Langweer 27-8-1893 † Holwerd 28-7-1961, 67 years old, [] Holwerd; daughter of Sipke Pieters de Boer, in 1875 cattle breeder in Boornzwaag, in 1875 worker in Lytsewierrum, since 1876 merchant and butcher in Langweer, and Neeltje Willems Jorritsma.
See: Het Geslacht Bierma IXe.
-Doeke Jans Oosterbaan * Sint Annaparochie 18-8-1905 † Slappeterp 8-3-1996, 91 years old, [cremated, Goutum]; cattle and potato farmer in Oosterbierum and Peins; son of Jan Doekes Oosterbaan and Janna Sipkes Anema, cattle and potato farmers in Sint Annaparochie and Oosterbierum;
x Ferwerderadiel 9-5-1930, 25 and 24 years old, Mettje Gerhards Dijkstra * Hallum 3-3-1906 † Slappeterp 12-11-2001, 95 years old, [cremated, Goutum]; at time of marriage without profession in Hallum; daughter of Gerhard Auke Martens Dijkstra and Trijntje Baukes Lettinga, cattle and potato farmers in Hallum.
–Herre Sybren Kingma * Edens, Hennaarderadeel, 27-2-1909; GT; in 1926 smallholder in Kloosterburen, 1927 in Augsbuurt (house numbers 27, 29), since 12 May 1927 in Wehe (municipality Leens), in 1928 in Leeuwarderadeel; moves on 2-2-1932 from Sint Jacobiparochie to New York, moves with his wife on 9-3-1934 from Hillsboro, Oregon, U.S.A. to Sint Jacobiparochie (house no. 514); there in Westhoek cattle and potato farmer, potato grower and horse breeder; board member of the Friesche Mij department Het Bildt, idem executive board; dike-reeve of water authority Het Nieuw Bildt; son of Tæke Herres Kingma, at time of marriage in 1908 working at a cattle breeding company in Iens, since 1912 cattle breeder in Makkum, since 12 May 1917 cattle breeder in Weidum (house numbers 35, 37), since 12 May 1927 in Huizum (Kerkstraat 19), and Rienkje Douwes de Boer;
x Hillsboro, Oregon 2-2-1932, both 23 years old, Anna Jannigje Rienks * Sint Jacobiparochie 11-9-1909; GT; moves on 21-8-1925 from Leeuwarden (Johan Willem Frisostraat 14) to Sint Jacobiparochie, moves on 20-1-1932 to Oregon; since 1934 cattle and potato farmer in Sint Jacobiparochie; daughter of Jarig Symens Rienks and Hinke Jans Hiddinga, cattle and potato farmers and horse breeders in Westhoek under Sint Jacobiparochie.
-Wigle Andries Sinnema * Dronryp 29-11-1898 † 19-4-1984, 85 years old, [] Arum; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower in Arum; son of Andries Wigles Sinnema and Aukje Cornelia Sytsma, cattle and potato farmers in Dronryp;
x Franeker 7-5-1921, 22 and 20 years old, Wietske Nannes Hoitenga * Tzum 3-8-1900 † Leeuwarden 4-6-1963, 62 years old, [] Arum; at time of marriage without profession in Tzum; daughter of Nanne Douwes Hoitenga and Eeke Wytzes Hilverda, cattle breeders in Tzum.
(Wietske is registered at birth as Wietske, on gravestone: Wietsche.)
Wigle is a cousin of Z.P.C. secretary Jan Arend Blanksma.
-Marten Gerrits Elsinga * Minnertsga 26-10-1897 † there 2-3-1975, 77 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; smallholder / cattle and potato and potato grower in Minnertsga; son of Gerrit Adams Elsinga and Maartje Tjerks Kingma; Marten is a brother of Adam and Sytse Gerrits Elsinga, Z.P.C. board member;
x Barradeel 20-5-1920, 22 and 23 years old, Antje Pieters Hoekstra * Minnertsga 20-8-1896 † there 9-5-1983, 86 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; at time of marriage without profession in Minnertsga; daughter of Pieter Cornelis Hoekstra, worker in Minnertsga, and Trijntje Foppes de Vries, worker in Minnertsga (Trijntje cannot write).
-Jan Arend Blanksma * Sexbierum 18-9-1909 † Leeuwarden 18-3-2002, 82 years old, [] Sexbierum; DG; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower in Sexbierum; son of Lieuwe Johannes Blanksma, at time of his wedding in 1901 farmer in Pingjum, and Aaltje Arends Arends, cattle and potato farmer in Sexbierum;
x 1 Ferwerderadiel 18-5-1934, 25 and 23 years old, Eeke Heslinga * Achlum 4-2-1911 † Sexbierum 14-2-1935, 24 years old, [] Sexbierum; at time of marriage without profession in Blije; daughter of Hessel Johannes Heslinga, at time of his wedding in 1910 cattle and potato farmer in Schalsum, and Tjitske Nannes Hoitenga, cattle and potato farmer in Achlum and Blije;
x 2 Tytsjerksteradiel 20-1-1938, 28 and 26 years old, Attje Westra * Oentsjerk 4-4-1911 † Groningen 26-3-2008, 96 years old, [] Sexbierum; civil servant at the Clerk’s department of Tytsjerksteradiel, at time of marriage without profession in Hurdegaryp; moves after marriage to Sexbierum; daughter of Jan Jans Westra, manager and director of a Dairy factory in Oentsjerk (living in Oentsjerk, Ryptsjerk and Hurdegaryp), and Wybrigje Minnes Ykema.
Jan Arend Blanksma is a cousin of Wigle Sinnema, Z.P.C. secretary.
Johannes Bekius has compiled a list of the staff of the Z.P.C. that was in permanent service there from 1919 to 1953 – personal data is added to the list; after the person’s name is the year of their employment, as mentioned by Bekius:
-K. van der Schaaf, since 1919; this is possible:
Klaas van der Schaaf * Parrega 7-4-1884 † Katlijk 3-3-1965, 80 years old; at time of first marriage peat cutter in Parrega; at time of second marriage worker in Ferwoude; warehouse helper in Akkrum; accountant for the Z.P.C .; son of Jacob van der Schaaf, in 1884 mailman in Parrega, and Aafke van der Wal, in 1911 cattle smallholder in Parrega, in 1915 farmer in Sigerswâld;
x 1 Wûnseradiel 10-6-1911, 27 and 24 years old, Johanna de Boer * Ferwoude 23-11-1886 † Workum 8-6-1912, 25 years old; at time of marriage without profession in Ferwoude; daughter of Hendrik de Boer, worker in Ferwoude in 1886, and Maria Bruinsma, in 1911, ’12 cattle smallholder in Ferwoude;
x 2 Wûnseradiel 8-5-1915, 31 and 22 years old, Jeltje Plantinga * Exmorra 7-3-1893 † Akkrum 11-1-1958, 64 years old; at time of marriage maid in Exmorra; daughter of Rients Plantinga, worker in Exmorra, and Murkje Spoel, see above
-Frederik Tjeerds Schat, 1919, see above
-Johannes Bekius, since 1920
Johannes Bekius * Zuidhorn, Groningen, 26-2-1888 † Bergen, North Holland, 7-2-1969, 80 years old; at time of marriage teacher in Oudshoorn, moves 16-4-1913 to Dronryp, there school headmaster; moves with family on 13-11-1920 to Leeuwarden (Leeuwerikstraat 15); director Z.P.C .; son of Teunis Johannes Bekius, farmer, innkeeper, and merchant in 1888 in Zuidhorn, in 1898, 1913 in Leens, in 1924 without profession in Zuidhorn, and Trijntje Berends Visser;
x Leeuwarden 26-3-1913, 25 and 24 years old, Franciska Ros * Leeuwarden 14-3-1889 † Bergen 31-8-1971, 82 years old; in 1913 teacher in Leeuwarden, in 1918, ’19 idem in Twijzel; daughter of Johannes Ros, tinsmith, lacquer worker, shopkeeper and merchant, moves in 1873 with family from Haarlem to Leeuwarden, and Dirkje Noordhoff.
-Jan Pieters Hoogland, 1919-1920; see: Het geslacht Hoogland, Xg.
-J. Plet, 1924
-Hendericus Bekius, 1921
-R. Elzinga, 1922
-C. Hartmans, 1924
-F. Talman, 1927
-S. Brandsma, 1929
-L. Bouma, 1932
-D. Sytsma, 1932
-R. Beetsma, 1933
-A. Bouma, 1933
-D. Groen, 1936
-S. J. Miedema, 1936
-A. Schaafsma, 1936
-J.D. Bekius, 1940
-D. Bonnema, 1940
-Goffe Jensma, Minnertsga, 1941
-J. Mellema, 1942
-H. Riem, 1942
-C. van der Berg, 1942
-S. de Bruin, 1943
-G.S. Elsinga, 1943
-A. Wassenaar, 1946
-C. Geertsma, 1947
-Schelte Sjoukes Lep, since 1947
Schelte Sjoukes Lep * Vrouwenparochie 19-3-1913 † 27-4-1984, 70 yearsold, [] Vrouwenparochie, Attesweg; G; potato merchant in Vrouwenparochie; son of Sjouke Scheltes Lep, potato merchant in Vrouwenparochie, and Eeke Syberens de Groot;
x Het Bildt 30-10-1941, 28 and 27 years old, Jantje Boonstra * Sint Annaparochie 27-10-1914 † 15-5-2010, 95 years old, [] Vrouwenparochie, Attesweg; G; at time of marriage without profession in Sint Annaparochie; daughter of Albert IJsbrands Boonstra, builder’s laborer in Sint Annaparochie, and Jeltje Jelles Kieviet.

-P. van der Berg, 1946
-J. Bosma, 1940
Other employees over the years include:
-C. van der Schoot
-J. Baard
-W. Huitema
-J. van der Woude
-T. van der Horst
-A. Hiddema
-G. de Haan
-J. Bos
-J. Stienstra
-J. Koopmans
-G. Jonker
-J. van der Veen
-D. Costen
-E. Peters
-A. Wiebenga
-K. Veenstra
-J. de Vries
-S. Wierda
-H. van Straten
-L. Bouma
-W. Bouma
-D. Miedema
-Lourens Franses Gerbens * Menaam 22-12-1876 † there 13-4-1942, 65 years old, [] Menaam; first NH, later GT; grain merchant in Menaam (house nos. 239, 287); son of Frans Andries Gerbens, grain merchant in Menaam (house nos. 105, 287), also cattle and potato farmer there (no. 173), and Jannigje Lourens van der Meij;
x Franekeradeel 4-8-1900, 23 and 22 years old, Maartje Hendriks van der Meij * Berltsum 11-5-1878 † Leeuwarden 4-6-1962, 84 years old, [] Menaam; first NH, later GT; at time of marriage without profession in Hitzum; daughter of Hendrik Gerhards van der Meij, in 1876 merchant in Berltsum, in 1878 cattle breeder there, in 1900 cattle and potato farmer there, since 1900 cattle breeder in Hitzum, since 28-4-1908 idem in Leeuwarden (Harlingerstraatweg 9), since 24-5-1912 in Sint Jacobiparochie (no. 319), and Sybrigje Eeltjes Lautenbach, moves 20-4-1927 from Sint Jacobiparochie to Berltsum.
-Sytse Gerrits Elsinga * Minnertsga 26-1-1888 † Tzummarum 14-4-1981, 89 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; worker, later smallholder in Minnertsga; son of Gerrit Adams Elsinga and Maartje Tjerks Kingma; Sytse is a brother of Z.P.C. board members Adam and Marten Elsinga, see above;
x Barradeel 25-5-1912, both 24 years old, Klaaske Goffes Jensma * Minnertsga 21-9-1887 † there 9-11-1966, 79 years old, [] Minnertsga; FE; daughter of Goffe Kornelis Jensma, worker in Minnertsga, and Wytske Jans Helder, in 1880 seamstress in Minnertsga.
-Hendrik Gerrits Berkenpas * Dronryp 14-3-1892 † 2-8-1960, 68 years old, [] Menaam; first NH, later GT; worker, smallholder and cattle and potato farmer in Menaam, respectively; son of Gerrit Gerbens Berkenpas, in 1890, ’92 dyer’s helper in Dronryp and Menaam, in 1893, ’94 dyer in Menaam, since approximately 1896 worker there, and Dieuwke Hendriks Schotanus;
x Menameradiel 5-4-1917, 25 and 28 years old, Klaaske Jacobs Douma * Menaam 8-4-1888 † 10-5-1960, 72 years old, [] Menaam; daughter of Jacob Hettes Douma, worker, later smallholder in Menaam, and Grietje Pieters Hiemstra.
See: Genealogy Douma – V.Nc.
-Pieter Cornelis van Popta, see: Genealogy Van Popta VIII.2
-J. Bijlsma
-K. Terpstra
-Jan Dirks van der Mei * Pietersbierum 24-3-1887 † 10-6-1957, 70 years old, [] Pietersbierum; grain merchant and broker in Pietersbierum, in 1920 in Sexbierum; agent for Friesland of the Bureau voor Zaaizaad & Pootgoed (Bureau for Seeds and Seed potatoes) in Veendam; poet and author of articles on Frisian handball champions; advocate for public education, abstinence and the Beatrixoord foundation; son of Dirk Theunis van der Mei and Mettje Jans Hoogterp, innkeepers in Pietersbierum, after becoming a widow, Mettje remains there as shopkeeper;
x Barradeel 27-6-1917, 30 and 26 years old, Grietje Klazes Hibma * Sexbierum 6-1-1891 † 7-6-1989, 98 years old, [] Pietersbierum; at time of marriage without profession in Sexbierum, the last six months in Groningen; daughter of Klaas Douwes Hibma and Sjoerdtje Jurres Heegstra, cattle and potato farmers in Sexbierum.
N.B. not to be confused with Jan Dirks van der Meij of Hegebeintum, with ij.
-Lieuwe Oeges Hiddema * Holwerd 7-9-1869 † there 6-7-1934, 64 years old; grain merchant at Holwerd, at time of death there without profession; son of Oege Pieters Hiddema, grain trader in Holwerd, and Antje Lieuwes Hesseling;
x Westdongeradeel 14-6-1900, 30 and 24 years old, Trijntje Lurks Glas * Holwerd 5-5-1876 † there 6-11-1960, 84 years old; daughter of Lurks Gribberts Glas and Anna Maria Ferwerda, bakers in Holwerd, see above
-Johannes Cornelis Hartmans * Blije 5-5-1871 † Leeuwarden 14-12-1949, 78 years old, [] Blije; son of Cornelis Johannes Hartmans and Klaaske Lieuwes Hesseling, in 1871 smallholder in Blije, since approximately 1875 cattle and potato farmers there;
x Ferwerderadiel 13-6-1896, both 25 years old, Antje Joutes Miedema * Stiens, Mellinga farm, 12-2-1871 † Blije 23-2-1940, 69 years old, [] Blije; daughter of Joute Pieters Miedema and Durkje Dirks Radersma, cattle and potato farmers on Mellinga farm under Stiens.
Johannes is a cousin of Lieuwe Oeges Hiddema.
-P. Bosma
-J. Roorda
-P. van der Leij.
The goal is to expand this list up to 1999, when the Z.P.C. merges with Hettema B.V.
Supplements are greatly appreciated: info@erfgoed-fundaasje.nl.
In the articles of association of the Z.P.C. the following are included as main conditions:
-The Z.P.C. trades only the seeds and seed potatoes approved by the inspection service of the Friesche Mij. The director may not trade in such products for his own account. He must deposit a security of ƒ 5,000.00.
-As a salary he will receive ƒ 6,500.00 plus 1 percent of the gross turnover up to ƒ 350,000.00 plus half a percent of anything above that turnover, with a maximum for the latter up to ƒ 3,000.00, so that his salary at the most is ƒ 13,000.00.
However, Wiersma, as first director never made that amount. He had imagined things differently and occasionally complains that his earnings have gotten worse. When he uses his car for the Z.P.C., he receives a reimbursement for it.
In the summer of 1919 he speaks in various departments of the Friesche Mij about the Z.P.C.. He has the most support in Menameradiel. When he speaks there, Johannes Bekius, who is the school headmaster in Dronryp, also speaks and gives an introduction about the cultivation of new breeds through crossing, among other things regarding the Mendelian inheritance. This is where Wiersma meets his successor Bekius for the first time.
Jan Pieters Hoogland, agricultural engineer, is appointed deputy director, on a salary of ƒ 4,000.00 plus ƒ 500.00 pension contributions.
K. van der Schaaf, who, under the leadership of Schuitmaker, was accountant of the so-called Potato Bureau, is appointed accountant. Previously, he worked in the office of a cheese merchant in Akkrum. He earns ƒ 150.00 a month.
The control of the timely deliveries of the potato sprouts on the land that have been approved per batch is entrusted to the director.
For its practical execution are appointed:
-Sieds Dirks Miedema, grain merchant in Ingwierrum, he is rarely in office
-Lieuwe Oeges Hiddema, grain merchant in Holwerd
-Johannes Cornelis Hartmans, grain merchant in Blije
-Frederik Tjeerds Schat, merchant and gardener in Sint Annaparochie, see above
-Lourens Franses Gerbens, grain merchant in Menaldumadeel
-Jan Dirks van der Mei, grain merchant in Pietersbierum
-S. F. de Boer in Drachten, who also rarely performs this function.
Later are also appointed: Doekle Rientses Yntema, forage dealer in Pingjum.
-Sieds Dirks Miedema * Sint Annaparochie 12-3-1870 † Engwierum 1-11-1929, 59 years old; grain merchant in Engwierum; son of Dirk Siedses Miedema and Ymkje Wops Koning, in 1869, ’70 cattle and potato farmers in Sint Jacobiparochie, in 1873 idem in Engwierum;
x Achtkarspelen 24-5-1902, 32 and 29 years old, Ymkje Uilkes Bottema * Buitenpost 5-11-1872 † Leeuwarden 3-8-1953, 80 years old; at time of marriage without profession in Buitenpost; daughter of Uilke Hylkes Bottema and Sjoukje Andries Sikkema, farmers in Buitenpost.
–Lieuwe Oeges Hiddema, see above.
-Johannes Cornelis Hartmans, see above.
-Lourens Franses Gerbens, see above.
-S. F. de Boer, in Drachten, genealogical records are still being investigated.
-Doekle Rientses Yntema * Pingjum 2-8-1859 † there 21-11-1930, 70 years old; forage dealer in Pingjum; unmarried; son of Rients Doekles Yntema and Rienkjen Franses Hoitinga, in 1856 growers of vegetables (mainly cabbages) in Pingjum, in 1867 innkeeper there, in 1867 lodging owners there.
7 Establishment of the K.I.Z. – Inspection Institute for Cereal seeds, Seeds for sowing and Seed potatoes – 1919
The fact that the trade in the approved seed and seed potatoes by the Friesche Mij is solely and exclusively entrusted to the Z.P.C., upsets consignment traders and breeders. In particular, the fact that seedlings are subject to a delivery obligation raises resentment from grain buyers.
Z.P.C director Jakob Wiersma writes a missive about this to Bokke Algra, chairman of the K.I.Z..
Wiersma proposes to
1 leave the trade in seed potatoes with the Z.P.C.
2 put the trade in seedlings with acknowledged merchants
3 close the K.I.Z..
In the Z.P.C. board, there is no unanimity regarding the position of seed and grain traders. Chairman Lammert Scheltes Hilarides doesn’t care for Wiersma’s proposals. He wants the delivery obligation of seedlings to the Z.P.C. to remain. Board member Watze Pieters Bierma is inclined to side with Wiersma. He is a member of the department Het Bildt of the Friesche Mij and the majority is in favour of working with the merchants. The board members Dirk Jans van der Meij and Pieter Jacobs Botma concur with Hilarides. Andries Wigles Sinnema joins in as well.
In the department Het Bildt, a committee is appointed that will investigate whether or not it’s possible and how you can achieve a single inspection. On December 16, 1920, a meeting takes place at the office of the Z.P.C.. Present are the board members and ir. J. van der Meer, ir. Jacobus Dorst of the Friesche Mij, grain merchant Roel Romkes Wijmenga and cattle and potato farmer Jan Dirks van der Meij.
Various proposals are discussed in good spirit. Van der Meer proposes that the delivery obligation should not apply to those who request an exemption on time.
Wijmenga later informs that the board of the K.I.Z. is unwilling to commit to this proposal. The K.I.Z. is all for complete freedom: whoever wants to sell cooperatively can do so; likewise for those who prefer to work through merchants. The Z.P.C. board is of the opinion that regulation cannot be done properly and that additionally there will be too much price competition.
Efforts are also being made to reach an agreement with the buyers. The seed inspectors Bokke Algra from Stiens, Douwe Sieswerda Jr. from Pingjum and Rendert Ypey from Witmarsum are evaluated, but they feel uncomfortable working only on commission or as an inspector. Under the chairmanship of Bokke Algra, they are setting up a new inspection service: the K.I.Z., Keurings Instituut voor Zaaigranen, Zaaizaden en Pootgoed (Inspection Institute for Cereal seeds, Seeds for sowing and Seed potatoes). This inspection service quickly garners a lot of support.
-J. van der Meer, genealogical records are still being investigated.
-Roel Romkes Wijmenga, see above.
-Jan Dirks van der Meij, son of Z.P.C. board member Dirk Jans van der Meij, see above.
See also: K.I.Z.
8 Z.P.C. guaranteed prices – 1919
Wiersma has been negotiating with Cornelis Broekema, director of the Groninger Coöperatieve Vereeniging van Zaadtelers (Groninger Cooperative Association of Seed growers, G.V.Z.) since 1918, and with Johannes Kielstra of the Zeeuwse Landbouw Maatschappij (Zeeuwse Agricultural Company, Z.L.M.) about the prices of winter cereals. Guaranteed prices for the grower and sales prices are set:
rye ƒ 33.50 and ƒ 42.00
corn ƒ 24.00 and ƒ 34.00
wheat ƒ 30.00 and ƒ 40.00
rapeseed ƒ 50.00 and ƒ 65.00.
for second quality ƒ 2.00 less per 100 kg. Provision for local buyers: ƒ 0.50; for provincial companies and traders: ƒ 1.00; per 100 kilos. Aloïs Suys in Meijere near Aalst receives 0.25 cents per 100 kilos of seed potatoes and 0.50 cents for large potatoes for the plant.
In this first year of the Z.P.C. seed potato prices are determined as follows:
Triplets (42/46) and 28/35, grade 8: ƒ 8.00; 32/42 (8) ƒ 9.00; idem for selection grade 9: ƒ 9.00 and ƒ 10.50; large tubers (9) ƒ 8.00, (10) ƒ 10.50 and seed potatoes 32/42 (10) ƒ 13.00. Everything per H.L. of 70 kilos.
First, ƒ 1.00 per H.L. is deducted for payment to farmers.
Every week during the season, the seedling growers send sample seeds (1 litre, except for white clover seed, which is ¼ litre). They are inspected by a committee staffed by Lourens Franses Gerbens and J. Donia.
Anything that hasn’t been sorted properly yet – i.e. almost everything – is sent to P. de Vries’ factory in Leeuwarden to be cleaned and then inspected again. Most years much is rejected due to too high a moisture content.
The following are appointed as seedling inspectors in the province: Sjoerd Sierks van der Wal, merchant in Minnertsga – area west of the Kouweweg under Sint Jacobiparochie – and Johannes Symons Pars, grain merchant in Leeuwarden.
In the same year it turns out that the people in Zealand do not adhere to the fixed seedling prices, so agreements are no longer made there.
-Lourens Franses Gerbens, see above.
-J. Donia, genealogical records are still being investigated.
-Sjoerd Sierks van der Wal * Minnertsga 5-12-1861 † Leeuwarden 5-10-1953, 91 years old, [] Minnertsga; merchant in Minnertsga; son of Sierk Franses van der Wal and Jannigje Sjoerds van Loon, growers of vegetables in Minnertsga;
x Barradeel 3-6-1886, 24 and 20 years old, Trijntje Klazes Unema * Minnertsga 8-7-1865 † there 24-3-1936, 80 years old, [] Minnertsga; at time of marriage without profession in Baard, living in Minnertsga; daughter of Klaas Hessels Unema, carpenter in Minnertsga, and Corneliske Sikkes Sikkema.
-Johannes Symons Pars, see above
At the Coöperatieve Boerenbank (Cooperative Farmer’s Bank) (G.W. Koopmans), the Coöperatieve Zuivelbank (Cooperative Dairy Bank) and the Friesche Bank (Frisian Bank) in Leeuwarden, the conditions regarding banking matters are checked. It turns out that the Coöperatieve Boerenbank is the most economical and thus becomes the cashier of the Z.P.C.
In other provinces, meanwhile, inspection services are also emerging. The Central Bureau in Rotterdam proposes to set up one central sales bureau. The business with Zealand left such a bad taste that the Z.P.C. is disinclined to commit to this proposal.
In the first autumn, there are already complaints about frost damage – this is being handled. There are also complaints about the poor sorting of large Eigenheimers, grade 10, of Klaas Bienses Bierma in Sint Jacobiparochie. The Eigenheimers of Bierma – from the Rendert Ypey branch, co-selected by director Jakob Wiersma – receive a lot of attention. Johannes Bekius sees these plots as well, with pupils from his Agricultural Winter School and for the students and himself he orders 10 H.L.
Bekius is therefore aware of this sorting, but he says in his course that intrinsic value is paramount. The large tubers can be cut.
-Klaas Bienses Bierma, see: Het geslacht Bierma VIIu.
Because the spring inspection of seeds at the Amicitia Hotel are to cost ƒ 500.00, the decision is made to stop holding the inspection altogether.
At each board meeting, there are long lists of names of farmers who want to become members of the Z.P.C.. The number of members has already exceeded 500. In order not to gain too many members too quickly, no additional propaganda will be made regarding more members.
9 Johannes Bekius, appointed deputy – 1920
Jan Pieters Hoogland tenders his resignation as deputy director with effect from 1 May 1920. He is appointed director of the C.A.F. in Leeuwarden. Two engineers from Wageningen reply to an ad for a successor, but they are white-collar workers who don’t appear to be very familiar with the intricacies of the product. The board presents three men: E. Dekker in Amsterdam, G. Dortkroon in Waddinxveen and Frederik Tjeerds Schat, merchant and gardener in Sint Annaparochie (see above). Schat is appointed with a salary of ƒ 3,500.00 plus a ƒ 500.00 life insurance premium. Schat reconsiders the function, because his wife doesn’t want to move to Leeuwarden. On June 7, 1920, he sends word that he declines.The board now contacts K. Terpstra in Ried, who as a temporary assistant to the Z.P.C. will come to live in Leeuwarden. Terpstra is only willing if he becomes deputy director. The board doesn’t want that. They are now looking to recruit ir. Verhoeve in Wageningen, but without success.On July 2, Johannes Bekius visits the board and management. They reach an agreement, Bekius is appointed with the same salary as Jan Hoogland: ƒ 4,000.00 plus ƒ 500.00 premium.Bekius’ job application went in a curious manner. In April, he’s not even thinking about this occupation. He makes a stab at a job as a teacher at the Agricultural Winter School in Meppel, with a couple of lessons in Emmen. He is nominated by the Minister on 26 June. From The Hague they ask him to resign as school principal in Dronryp. On Monday 28 June, he rides his bike to Menaam to go to ask the mayor to dismiss him. Near Menaam, the inspection committee of the Friesche Mij is inspecting a plot of potatoes, they are Hendrik Gerrits Berkenpas, smallholder in Menaam, and Gerlof Folkerts van der Zee, farmer in Dronryp. They call Bekius and ask if it’s true that he’s leaving Dronryp. When he says that this is correct, Van der Zee suggests that he should look into the function of deputy at the Z.P.C.. Bekius inquires about it, tenders his resignation to the mayor and discusses Van der Zee’s suggestion with his wife. They decide that he should go to Jakob Wiersma in Leeuwarden the same afternoon after school. Wiersma had just read in the newspaper that Bekius is going to become an agricultural teacher. After some arguing back and forth, they present the state of affairs to the board members Hilarides, Bierma and Sinnema. Wiersma convenes a board meeting on Friday 2 July where they settle the matter. Bekius becomes deputy with effect from September 1, 1920.
The office of the Z.P.C., which was established in the townhouse at the Willemskade of butter merchant Roelof Dirks Buisman and his wife Hillegonda Cornelia Blok Wijbrandi in Leeuwarden, has meanwhile been moved to the back of the Agricultural House at the Van Swietenstraat 4. This is an old house, sublet to an organization for cheese, with dairy technician Pieter Annes Okkinga, chairman of the Central Dairy Commission as director, who in 1923 becomes director of the Cooperative Dairy Factory in Bedum. Upstairs, with a separate entrance, the national horticultural consultant ir. Cornelis Marinus van der Slikke rents two rooms. The other part is for the Z.P.C.: two rooms, a kitchen and the attic.
The staff now consists of Jakob Wiersma, Johannes Bekius and K. van der Schaaf. Cleaning lady Jet does both rooms, the hallway and the kitchen, but leaves most of the dust lying around.
Apart from a few chairs and a few simple desks, a table, a rug, a few mirrors (!) And a safe, there is a second-hand typewriter with a wide carriage, which is only used for making reports. The tools for daily use are nothing more than a pen, ink and writing paper, a broad book with many columns – the ‘Red Book’: because of its red lines –, a creditors’ and credit book and a copybook with press.
Letters are solely written with copy ink. In the afternoon, near closing time, all the epistles made during the day are put in the copybook. Every letter is placed under a transparent sheet of paper that is moistened with a roller and water. Once all the correspondence has found its place in the book, it is then placed under the press and the damp paper is removed immediately. The copy then sits neatly on the transparent sheet. Following that, the letters are placed into envelopes. At the back of the book is an alphabetical index, with all the addresses and page numbers where the copies can be found.
The Z.P.C. can buy anything without having to borrow money for it. The more than ƒ 13,000.00, which is the reserve of the Bureau, is donated to the Z.P.C.. The ‘working capital’ is formed by the products which are usually paid by an advance fourteen days after delivery. The size of this advance is often initially negotiated by the board. Part of the board wants to deduct a certain amount per unit, in order to pay for the costs. The majority finds this an overly insecure basis. One can never see in advance if all the products that are delivered go for sale, and if they do, for what price. In the final decision, it is decided that the advance price will be such that all goods delivered per class and sorting will be paid with the same price, even if a part must eventually be sold for animal feed. In practice, this works out so satisfactory that the process remains like this for a long time.
The seed potatoes are inspected by the inspection service of the Friesche Mij with grades 10, 9 and 8. The plots that are graded 10 are inspected several times by a special committee, which includes among others ir. Jacob Dorst , Jakob Wiersma, Pieter Jans Koopmans, potato grower in Seisbierrum, and Jan Gosses Terpstra, potato grower in Menaam.
-Pieter Jans Koopmans * Wijnaldum 26-6-1874 † Sexbierum 3-4-1909, 34 yearsold; cattle and potato farmer and potato grower in Sexbierum; son of Jan Pieters Koopmans and Ytje Gerlofs Terpstra, cattle and potato farmers in Wijnaldum;
x Barradeel 9-4-1896, 21 and 23 years old, Saakje Anes Jukema * Sexbierum 30-8-1872 † Skingen 26-6-1925, 52 years old; at time of marriage without profession in Menaam; as widow of her first husband she lives in Franeker, moves on 15-12-1919 to Skingen; daughter of Ane Jelles Jukema and Jetske Pieters Anema, cattle and potato farmers in Sexbierum and Menaam.
See: Genealogy Zijlstra – Anema VII.11.
Saakje x 2 Franeker 29-10-1919, 45 and 47 years old, Sybe Botes Houtsma * Oosterbierum 26-1-1874 † Skingen 6-2-1926; at time of his first marriage worker in Oosterbierum, in 1897 fisherman there, in 1898, 1901 worker again there, later farmer there, since 1-6-1917 idem in Skingen; son of Bote Sybes Houtsma, in 1868, ’74 carpenter in Oosterbierum, later smallholder there, and Jantje Melles Stellingwerf;
Sybe x 1 Barradeel 23-5-1896, 22 and 20 years old, Wytske Johannes Herrema * Tzummarum 3-7-1875 † Oosterbierum 14-8-1908, 33 years old; at time of marriage maid in Oosterbierum; daughter of Johannes Gerrits Herrema, worker in Oosterbierum, and Sieuwke Tjerks Post.-Jan Gosses Terpstra, see above.