Genealogy Van der Schaaf (Bitgum)

* = born
~ = baptized
x = married
l.t. =living together
d. = divorced
† = deceased
[] = buried
§ =anecdote; shown in green
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Scientific research: Erfgoed Fundaasje/Heritage Foudation
This is Work In Progress
I.1 Pytter Annes, living ‘by de Tille’ at Wjelsryp (municipality Hinnaarderadiel, since 1984 Baarderadiel, since 2018 Waadhoeke);
x Wjelsryp 24-6-1649 Doyck Douwes, also called: Doick, Doech and Doeick
Children, two boys with the name Douwe died young, also three doughters with the name Tet, Tettie, Tettye, modern Frisian: Tetsje:
1 Douwe Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 7-4-1650
2 Tettye Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 24-7-1653
3 Douwe Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 3-12-1654
4 Douwe Pytters, follows II.1
5 Tettie Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 11-5-1662
6 Tet Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 3-7-1664
II.1 Douwe Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 5-9-1658; he and his family lived in the woods in the Westerend, later on in the Easterend near the village Wjelsryp; they were called in the churchbooks: paltry riders;
x 1 Baaium 2-12-1683 Aeght Syoerdts ~ Winsum, at the same time as her mother en three sisters, 9-5-1669 (her father and mother married at that day in the church); dr of Syoerdt Syoerdts and Feyck Jetses, at Winsum;
x 2 Wjelsryp 18-5-1699 Beerntie Tiercks, by marriage living at the Fliet in Frjentsjer
Children, from the first marriage:
1 Sioerdt Douwes, follows III.1
2 Duyck Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 28-11-1686
3 Outger Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 29-1-1688
4 Duyck Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 26-1-1690
5 Jetze Douwes ~ Wjelsryp, Eastermorning, 4-6-1693
6 Anne Douwes, follows III.2
III.1 Sioerdt Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 25-1-1685
x Wjelsryp 3-4-1711, Good Friday, Geertie Sybrens, from Itens; member on confession at Wjelsryp 16-5-1701; she lives now and then with her husband in the dwelling of referent Gerardus Jorna at Wjelsryp in his back room, she is there babynurse; dr of Sybren Haeijes, probably from Easterlttens, churchmember at Itens
Geertie x 1 Baaium 25-2-1700 Pier Clasen † before 21-3-1706; skipper in the village district from Wjelsryp
1 Douwe Sjoerds, follows IV.1
III.2 Anne Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 10-5-1696; member on confession at Wjelsryp 20-3-1736; probably church council member 11-2-1737;
x Wjelsryp 26-10-1727 Jeltie Durks, from Wjelsryp
1 Douwe Annes ~ Wjelsryp 4-3-1729
2 Grietje Annes ~ Wjelsryp 15-2-1733
IV.1 Douwe Sjoerds ~ Wjelsryp 23-10-1711; living in the village district of Wjelsryp; church elder; in 1757 is written by his name in the list of church members that he is exempted from censorship and confirmed as member again;
x 1 Wjelsryp 15-5-1735 Yttie Pytters (also called: Idtie)) ~ Sweins 29-9-1715 † 1761; dr of Mr Pytter Alberts Radinga (also: Raddinga); headmaster at Peins, and his first wife, Trijntje Pykes;
x 2 Wjelsryp 23-5-1762 Grietje Dirks, from Skalsum; she becomes a church member at Wjelsryp 19-1-1766
Children from the first marriage:
1 Arjen Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 1-1-1736
2 Pytter Douwes, follows V.1
V.1 Pytter Douwes ~ Wjelsryp 4-5-1738; in the death certification of his daughter Tjitske he is called with the familyname: Schaaf; Mr Carpenter at Wjelsryp; with his wife he becomes a church member at Wjelsryp 19-1-1766; 28-2-1799/10-3-1799 they move with attestation to Frjentsjer;
x Wjelsryp 6-6-1762 Grietje Romkes * Winsum about 1742 † Rie 5-3-1826, house nr 19 (the house of her daughter Geartsje, V.1.5), 84 years old; 19-1-1766 confirmed by confession as a member at Wjelsryp; when she marries she lives in Spannum, in the event of death residing wthout profession at Rie; dr of Romke Feikes, farmhand at Wjelsryp, and Lutske Andries
1 Ytje Pieters van der Schaaf ~ Wjelsryp 30-10-1763 † Berltsum 27-9-1834, housnr 29, 70 years old; confirmed on confession at Berltsum 19-5-1816;
x Wjelsryp 28-5-1786 Jan Ynses Cuperus (he signs his family name with a C, in the administration is his name written as: Kuperus) * Berltsum 1753/’54 † Berltsum 17-3-1828, housnr 110, 75 years old; when is getting married he lives in the neighberhood of Winsum, in 1789, ’92 he lives in Baaium, in 1793 at Wjelsryp; in 1811, ’18, ’23 he is farm worker at Berltsum; at his death without a job;
2 Luirtske Pytters ~ Wjelsryp 8-12-1765
3 Luurdske Pieters Schaafsma ~ Wjelsryp 14-3-1768 † place and date not yet found, but she died before her husband’s death; she and her husband moves 25-7-1805 with attestation from Wommels to Hartwert (municipality Wûnseradiel, since 2011 Súdwest-Fryslân);
x Hartwert 22-5-1800 Rients Dirks Dijkstra (also called: Rienk) * Wommels 11-8-1774 † Hartwert 6-3-1853, 78 years old, [] Hartwert; since 1805 farmer on De fiif Ikkers (The five Fields) at Hartwert, in 1823 in Aldekleaster at Hartwert; sn of Dirk Rientses (postumous: Dijkstra) and Richtje Johannes (in death certificate of her son Rients called: Richtje Jacobs), farmers at Wommels
Luurdske is also written as: Lieutske, Luitske. Her family name as: Schaaf; in 1823 she herself signs under the marriage certificate of her daughter Richtje: Schaafma.
At the family name assumption in 1811 Rients signs Dirkstra, after his fathers proper name; the official, however, registers: Dijkstra: sloppiness or secret language politics?
From Rients is preserves a spoon, knife and fork with the inscription:
1774 den 11 augustus is gebooren Riens Durks en overleden 6 maart 1853 te Hartwerd aldaar begraven.
Source: Jan Schipper – Zilverstudie.
4 Tjitske Pieters Bijlsma ~ Wjelsryp 4-2-1770 † Wjelsryp 17-12-1840, house nr 47, 70 years old Tjitske signs the marriage certificate of het daughter Grietje in 1829 with: T. Pijters, without a family name; in 1832 she signs the marriga certificate of her daughter Geertje with: T P Bijlsma.
x Wjelsryp 20-5-1792 Cornelis Cornelis Post * Wjelsryp, Easter sunday morning, 10-6-1764 ~ Wjelsryp 1-7-1764 † Wjelsryp 26-4-1835; house painter and glazier at Wjelsrijp; church member at Wjelsryp 15-2-1799; sn of Cornelis Jans, Mr Carpenter at Wjelsryp, church elder, and Teuniske Teunis (also called: Teuntje)
5 Geertie Pieters van der Schaaf * Wjelsryp 30-7-1772 ~ Wjelsryp 6-9-1772 † Rie 7-5-1848, 75 years old; in Memorie van Succesie in 1826 called: Getje;
x Berltsum 30-5-1802, she is living than at Berltsum, he at Kleaster Anjum, Jan Klazes Poelstra * Dronryp about 1774 † Rie 30-9-1840, house nr 19, 66 years old; cabbage farmer (koaltsjer); in 1811 and at the time of his death farmers hand at Rie; sn of Klaas Klazes Poelstra and Dieuwke Willems
At the family name assumption in 1811 Jan signs himself: Poelstera.
6 Romke Pieters Schaaf * Wjelsryp 3-11-1774 ~ Wjelsryp 27-11-1774 † Menaam 16-8-1851, house nr 121, 77 years old; Romke and his wife are confirmed on confession at Menaam 4-5-1828; potatoe farmer (gernier) at Menaam, until his death;
x Menaam 15-5-1803 Antje Jans Hoekstra * Menaam 9-3-1782 ~ Menaam 7-4-1782 † Menaam 31-5-1831, house nr 121; 49 years old; dr of Jan Wytzes Hoekstra and Dieuwke Hayes, farmers at Menaam
Romke en Antsje have no children; according to his last will Romke bequeaths his maid Trijntje Lolkes Hofstra f 600,00 and bed c.a. ad f 28,00 ), his cousins Ane and Romke Oedzes Anema together f 100,00 and for the children of his brother Douwe body wear c.a. ad f 56,45; saldo: f 742,58 which he inherits to his other cousins.
7 Janke Pieters Bijlsma/Schaaf/Van der Schaaf * Wjelsryp 30-1-1777 ~ Wjelsryp 16-3-1777, twin sister of Arjaantje, † Rie 16-5-1847, house nr 12, 70 years old, 11 days after her husbands death; at her marriage and later on she is living in Rie
Janke is called Bijlsma in the birth certificate of her son Ane in 1813; she is called Van der Schaaf in the birth certificate of her son Aris in 1816; she is written Schaaf in de the marrige certificate and the marriage consent certificate of her son Pieter in 1837, she herself signs then with: T J Bijlsma; under the marriage certificate of her son Anne in 1845 she is written Bijlsma again, she does’nt sigh that certificate; in the marriage certificate op her son Romke in 1847 she is written Schaaf, also in the death certificate of her husband in 1847 and her own eleven days later.
x Rie 13-5-1804, at their wedding both living in Rie, Oets Anes Anema (also written: Oeds, Oedze) * Rie 16-5-1778 ~ Rie 5-7-1778 † Rie 5-5-1847, house nr 12, 66 years old; farm hand at Rie, at his death peat meter; sn of Ane Sipkes en Tryntie Aris
8 Arjaantje Pytters, twin sister of Janke, * Wjelsryp 30-1-1777 ~ Wjelsryp 16-3-1777 † 1780
9 Douwe Pieters van der Schaaf, follows VI.1
VI.1 Douwe Pieters van der Schaaf * Wjelsryp 10-5-1780 ~ Wjelsryp 4-6-1780 † Bitgummole 18-2-1842, house nr 40, 61 years old; called Van der Schaaff in a list of inhabitants in Menameradiel in 1811-’12; wheelwright in the hamlet De Hammeringen at Bitgummole; deacon at Bitgum;
x Menaam 20-5-1810 Trijntje Jelles Bakker * Menaam 7-4-1786 ~ Menaam 23-4-1786 † Bitgummole 30-3-1851, house nr 39, 61 years old; as widdo wheelwright, merchant in second hand goods at Bitgummole; at her death wheelwricht again, or still; dr of Jelle Ædes Bakker, Mr baker at Menaam, and Baukje Jochums
Tryntsje signs at the marriage of her daughter Baukje in 1833: T Bakker; at the marriage of son Arjen in 1842: T. Jelles, in 1844 at the marriage of her son Jelle: T.J. Bakker.
1 Pieter Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 1-4-1811 * Bitgummole 1-4-1811 ~ Bitgum 12-5-1811 † Kampen, at a military hospital, 16-2-1831, 19 years old; soldier at the first Company, second Battallion, 18th Department Foot Soldiers
2 Baukje Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 9-10-1812 † Bitgummole 15-2-1844, house nr 39, in her mothers property, 31 years old; at her wedding without profession; later on trade in second hand goods; Baukje lives seperated from her husband, who’s whereabouts are unknown;
x Ljouwert 15-3-1833, 21 en 20 year, Wybrand Martens Feddema (also: Wiebrand, Wybrandus) * Ljouwert 20-11-1811 † Zaandam 26-11-1850; 1833, ’39 merchant at Ljouwert; later on military at Zaandam; sn of Marten Wybrands Feddema, in 1833 shopkeeper, later merchant at Ljouwert, and his first wife Elisabeth Pieters Binksma (also: Bings, Binxma)
3 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf, follows VII.1
4 Æde Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 11-2-1819 † Bitgummole 24-11-1829, 10 years
5 Jelle Douwes van der Schaaf, follows VII.2
6 Grietje Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 9-3-1826 † Bitgummole 11-3-1826, house nr 40, 2 days
7 Sjoerd Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 10-10-1828 † Bitgummole 3-12-1829, 1 year
VII.1 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 25-12-1815 † highly likely Harrison, South Dakota; in 1842, ’55, ’57 potato farmer at de Hammeringen at Bitgummole, house nr 47; in 1846 registrated as farmers hand; emigrates 25-3-1881 with his second wife, his daughter Aukje and cousin Douwe Jelles van der Schaaf to Oranje City, Iowa, North America, he is there farmer, later on in Harrison, South Dakota;
x 1 Menameradiel 18-5-1842, 26 and 27 years, Maaike Dirks Koopmans * Furdgum 26-6-1814 † Bitgummole 7-2-1856, 42 years old, [] Bitgum, row 20, grave 20; dr of Dirk Sydses Koopmans, farmer at Minnertsgea, potato farmer at Furdgum, and Trijntje Obbes Wassenaar;
See: Genealogy Koopal V2.2
x 2 Menameradiel 19-8-1857, 41 and 29 years, Antje Romkes van der Wal * Ryptsjerk 14-10-1827 † highly likely Harrison, Súd Dakota; by first marriage maid at Ryptsjerk, by second marriage maid at Bitgummole; dr of Romke Folkerts van der Wal, skipper and farmers hand at Ryptsjerk, and Aukje Reinders van der Schaaf, as widdow farmers hand at Ryptsjerk;
Antsje x 1 Tytsjerksteradiel 17-8-1850, 22 and 30 years, Jelke Durks Planting * Oentsjerk 5-8-1820 † Oentsjerk 21-5-1854, 33 years; farmers hand at Oentsjerk, Ryptsjerk and Gytsjerk; sn of Durk Johannes Planting and Martzen Klazes (in Jelkes marrige certificate in 1850 called: Martje Klazes Kampstra) farmers hand at Aldtsjerk and Oentsjerk
Arryn wants to become wheelwright, like his father, but he eyesight hinders that, myopia is the ailment. Arryn and Maaike have a stelp farm build at Bitgummole.

T. Jelles = Trijntje Jelles Bakker, D S Koopmans + Dirk Sydses Koopmans; in the left column the witnesses, at the bottom the registrar.
Maeike is written as Maeike, not as Maaike; that is exceptional, because that is the Frisian or old Dutch spelling
Children from the first marriage:
1 Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf, follows VIII.1
2 Dirk Arjens van der Schaaf, follows VIII.2
3 Pieter Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 20-11-1846 † Bitgummole 25-9-1873, hous nr 47, 27 years, [] Bitgum, row 20, grave 19; farmers hand at Bitgummole, since 1-12-1869 living in the house of his brother Durk; by death potato farmer at Bitgummole
4 Gerben Arjens van der Schaaf, follows VIII.3
5 Sjoerd Arjens van der Schaaf, follows VIII.4
6 Jelle Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 20-11-1855 † Bitgummole 20-8-1856, 9 month; when Jelle has died, he leaves a saldo of f 138,38
Children from the second marriage:
7 Trijntje Arjens van der Schaaf (Katherine) * Bitgummole 11-7-1859 † Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, 3-5-1947, 88 years old, [] Pilgrim Home Cemetery, Holland, Ottawa, Michigan (PH1-KO-38-5); when Tryntsje marries she is out profession; she emigrates 23-5-1881 with her husband to North America;
x 1 Menameradiel 27-5-1880, 20 and 28 years, Jan Wybrens Groeneveld * Ingelum 8-7-1851; carpenters servant at Ingelum; sn of Wybren Sjoerds Groeneveld, potato farmer and farmers hand at Ingelum, and Durkje Frederiks Dijkstra
x 2 Berend Mollema (Bernard) * Kommerzijl, municipality Grijpskerk, 3-10-1843 † Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, 18-9-1919, 75 years old, [] Pilgrim Home Cemetery, Holland, Ottawa, Michigan (PH1-KO-38-4); reverend Christian Reformed Church at Forestville, Wisconsin; sn of Hendrik Jans Mollema, peddler at Kommerzijl, and Bouwina Berends Reitsema

8 Aukje Arjens van der Schaaf (Agnes) * Bitgummole 29-7-1861 † Ringle, Marathon, Wisconsin, 1944, 83 years;
x Orange City 16-2-1882 Derk Jan te Paske * Aalten, Gelderland, Netherlands, 5-1-1854 † Ringle, Marathon County, Wisconsin, 1931; sn of Hendrik Jan te Paske and Dela Antonia Tammel
9 Baukje Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 25-9-1863 † Bitgummole 13-1-1865, house nr 47, 15 month
10 Romke Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 11-8-1865 † Bitgummole 4-12-1866, house nr 47, 15 month
11 Baukje Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 15-3-1868 † Bitgummole 7-5-1869, house nr 47, 13 month

VII.2 Jelle Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 20-2-1822 † Bitgummole 6-6-1871, house number 5, 49 years old, [] Bitgum, row 20, grave 18; by his first marriage wheelwright assistant, later on wheelwricht at Bitgummole (house nr 43), over time potato farmer at Bitgummole (house nr 5), later on shopkeeper; after his second marriage Jelle moves with his family in by his second wife Tryntsje;
x 1 Menameradiel 24-8-1844 Jetske Alles Dijkstra * Bitgummole 10-2-1826 † Bitgummole 9-12-1859, house nr 43, 33 years old, [] Bitgum, row 20, grave 22; dr of Alle Thomas Dijkstra, farmers hand and potato farmer at Bitgummole, and Antje Jacobs Hemrica;
x 2 Menameradiel 4-3-1863 Trijntje Sydses Dijkstra * Bitgum 22-1-1825 † Bitgummole 1-1-1870, house nr 5, 47 years old, [] Bitgum, row 6, grave 18; after the death of her second husband shopkeeper at Bitgummole (house nr 5); dr of Syds Pieters Dijkstra, potato farmer and farmners hand at Bitgum, and Trijntje Jochums Bijlsma;
Tryntsje x 1 Menameradiel 16-5-1849, 41 en 38 jier, Johannes Wiggeles Hiemstra * Grou 7-2-1824 † Bitgum 18-6-1852, 28 years old; carpenters servent, later on independant carpenter at Bitgum; sn of Wiggele Hyltjes Hiemstra, carpenter at Grou, and Geeske Johannes Bijlsma
Children from the first marriage:
1 Trijntje Jelles van der Schaaf (postumous: Kathryn) * Bitgummole 14-9-1845 † Bitgummole 27-10-1889 [] Bitgum, row 20, grave 22; by marriage maid at Bitgum;
x Menameradiel 15-5-1867, 21 and 23 year, Lieuwe Gerrits van der Plaats (Louis) * Bitgummole 2-8-1843 † Sheldon, Iowa, 5-1-1929, 85 years old, [] Hull, Sioux, Iowa; potato farmer at Bitgummole, merchant at Hull, Iowa; Liuwe emigrates 6-4-1893 with five children to Iowa; his oldest son emigrates already a year before and a married daughter remains in Bitgummole; sn of Gerrit Lieuwes van der Plaats, potato farmer and farmers hand at Bitgummole, and Jeltje Jelles Dijkstra
2 Antje Jelles van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 16-8-1849 † Bitgum 26-2-1920, [] Bitgum row 8, grave 13; Antsje lives since 1-12-1861 in the household of Wybren Jentjes Hoogerhuis, her later in-laws; since Alde Maaie (traditional moving day) 1865 she is maid at Andrieske Lodewijks Beijerman, widdow Gjalt van der Meer, fuormanske (contracting company) at Menaam;
when she has become an orphan, her guardians are her uncle’s Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf (VIII.1) and Thomas Alles Dijkstra, farm hand at Jistrum
x Menameradiel 15-6-1871, 21 and 22 years old, Jentje Wybrens Hoogerhuis * Bitgum 17-8-1848 † Ljouwert 10-7-1925, 76 years old, [] Bitgum row 8, grave 13; farm hand (lives in a ship, afterwards house nr 374 outside, nr 17 new), later on sexton at Bitgum (house nr 335); sn of Wybren Jentjes Hoogerhuis, farm hand at Bitgum, and Ymkje Gerbens Dijkstra
In the Civil Administration Jentsje is registrated as: Hogerhuis, he himseld signs with: Hoogerhuis.
Children from the second marriage:
3 Douwe Jelles van der Schaaf, follows VIII.5
4 stillborn boy *-† Bitgummole 14-1-1866
VIII.1 Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 9-1-1843 † Bitgummole 7-3-1917, farm worker, potato farmer, -breeder and trader/merchant at Bitummole (house nr 233b);
x Menameradiel 21-5-1874, 31 and 25 years old, Grietje Tjeerds Runia * Berltsum 26-7-1848 † Bitgummole 15-2-1918, [] Bitgum row 34, grave 11; by marriage without profession at Berltsum; dr of Tjeerd Theunis Runia, potato farmer at Berltsum, and Rigtje Martens Klaver

1 Tjeerd Douwes van der Schaaf, follows IX.1
2 Maaike Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 1-11-1877 † † Grand Rapids, Kent, Mikchigan, 6-12-1957, 80 years old; by marriage without profession at Bitgummole; she moves with husband and children about 1919 to Holland Township, Sioux, Iowa, North America;
x Menameradiel 29-4-1897, 19 en 31 years old, Hermanus Sikkes Jansma (Herman) * Dokkum 8-3-1866 † Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan -6-1968, 102 years old; baker servant at Menaam, shopkeeper at Dokkum; merchant at Grand Rapids; sn of Sikke Johannes Jansma, in 1852 tailors servant at Ælsum, in 1859, ’61, ’72 ditto at Dokkum, in 1864, ’68 tailor, and Trijntje Jeltes Jeltema
3 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 16-4-1880 † Bitgummole 22-8-1889, 9 years old, [] Bitgum row 20, grave 20
4 Rigtje Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 21-8-1882 † Ljouwert 19-7-1914, [] Ljouwert, Old Churchyard; at her marriage without profession at Bitgummole;
x Ljouwert 19-10-1907, 25 and 32 years old, Gijsbertus Annes Roukema * Wytfean, at Eastermar, municipality Tytsjerksteradiel, 9-7-1875 † Ljouwert 8-4-1951, [] Ljouwert, Noarder begraafplak; working in the forge trade among others in 1887 at Eastermar; since 14-6-1893 at Rien; in 1894 at Lytsewierrum; since Alde Maaie 1894 at Marsum; since Alde Maaie 1895 at Skearnegoutum; since 9-6-1896 at Marsum again; since Alde Maaie 1997 at Hoogezand; 1901 at Gronau, Westphalen, Germany; chief Vlessing & Co machine factory at Oude Pekela; since 14-11-1901 machine bankworker at shipyard Van der Werff at Skilkampen, Ljouwert (residential adresses Súdfliet U284boppe, Emmakade U179 and U177ûnder, and 24), Achter de Hoven V248, Prins Hendrikstrjitte F11, Van der Kooijstrjitte U7); since 20-1-1919 at Oude Pekela; since 5-3-1920 living in the household of his parents-in-law Johannes Tuinhof and Akke de Jong at Bitgummole (nr 253); since 7-5-1920 architectural supervisor at Ljouwert; partner machine factory De Hon & Roukema at Ljouwert; in 1936 engine repairer at Ljouwert; sn of Anne Jans Roukema, teacher at Ljouwert, headmaster at Wytfean, and Anna Maria Gijsbertus Bartels;
Gijsbertus x 1 Slochteren 13-8-1898, both 23 years old, Elisabeth Kielema * Farmsum, municipality Delfzijl, Grinslân, 22-3-1875 † Ljouwert 13-9-1905, 30 years old; at her marriage without profession at Slochteren; dr of Mees Jochums Kielema, in 1856 carpenter at Farmsum, in 1859 ship carpenter at Hoogezand, in 1869 skipper in his ship at Delfzijl, in 1870, ’75 peat skipper at Farmsum, in 1887, ’90, ’98 skipper at Slochteren, in 1905 ship carpenter at Delfzijl, and Lijzebeth Berends Martens;
Gijsbertus x 3 Ljouwert 7-4-1915, 39 and 31 years old, Hylkje Johannes Tuinhof * Bitgummole 1-10-1883 † Ljouwert 30-1-1961, 77 years old, [] Ljouwert, Noarder begraafplak; before her wedding since 7-9-1914 housekeeper in her husband’s household; dr of Johannes Jans Tuinhof, potato farmer at Bitgummole, and Klaaske Harkes de Jong
See: Genealogy De Jong – Bitgum (use the seek function)
5 Dirk Douwes van der Schaaf, follows IX.2
6 Pieter Douwes van der Schaaf, follows IX.3
7 Sibbeltje Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 9-7-1890 † Bitgummole 27-7-1890
10 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf, follows IX.4
Registrations of Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf according to the civil status:
-2-12-1861 live-in farm worker at Minne Jans Kuperus and Symentje Andries Nieuwland at Marsum
-1-12-1861 live-in farm worker at Jan Ulbes Wynia at Bitgum (house nr 115)
-19-6-1865 live-in farm worker at Klaas Aukes Tolsma and Albertje Geerts Hoekstra at Marsum
-Alde Maaie 1866 farmers hand in Bitgum (nrs 58, 40)
-25-8-1866 – till Alde Maaie 1868 again live-in farm worker at Minne Jans Kuperus and Symentje Andries Nieuwland at Marsum
-18-5-1868 ditto at Jan Nannes Kuperus and Akke Thomas Smeding at Marsum
-1-12-1869 – 21-5-1874 farmers hand, living by his father and his second wife, called Muoike (=aunt) Antsje by the children of his first marriage
-after his marriage registered in the population register 28-5-1874 (nr 107); 1875, ’77, potato farmer at Bitgummole
-1-1-1894 potato farmer and, -breeder at Bitgummole (nrs 110, 106, 110a)
-Alde Maaie 1907 potato trader/merchant at Bitgummole (nrs 233b, 217)
-1-3-1910 potato farmer -and breeder at Bitgummole (nrs 217, 363)
VIII.2 Dirk Arjens van der Schaaf
x Baukje Doekeles de Boer
1 Leentje Dirks van der Schaaf
2 Arjen Dirks van der Schaaf, follows IX.5
3 Doekle Dirks van der Schaaf, follows IX.6
4 Maike Dirks van der Schaaf
x Sijne Wijbes Nauta
5 Baukje Dirks van der Schaaf
x Sjoerd Hilbrands Bruinsma
See: Genealogy Bruinsma VII.3
6 Pieter Dirks van der Schaaf, follows IX.7
7 Leentje Dirks van der Schaaf
x Jan Seerps Bruinsma
See: Genealogy Bruinsma VII.1

8 Sieuwke Dirks van der Schaaf
x Sjoerd Yebs Reitsma
9 Antje Dirks van der Schaaf
x Gerben Reimers Brouwer
See: Genealogy Brouwer 1 XIV.1
10 Trijntje Dirks van der Schaaf;
x Miente Popkes Bakker
See: Genealogy Bakker VII.10
VIII.3 Gerben Arjens van der Schaaf
x Pietje Dirks van Dijk
1 Trijntje Gerbens van der Schaaf
x Hendrik Bonnes Meersma
2 Maaike Gerbens van der Schaaf
x Albert Nannes Groenewoud
3 Hieke Gerbens van der Schaaf
x Jentje Douwes Bergsma
4 Arendtje Gerbens van der Schaaf

VIII.4 Sjoerd Arjens van der Schaaf
x Jetske Bouwes van Dijk
1 Arjen Sjoerds van der Schaaf
2 Bouwe Sjoerds van der Schaaf
3 Dirk Sjoerds van der Schaaf, follows IX.8
4 Wijger Sjoerds van der Schaaf, follows IX.9
5 Bregtje Sjoerds van der Schaaf
6 Pieter Sjoerds van der Schaaf, follows IX.10
VIII.5 Douwe Jelles van der Schaaf (Dowie) * Bitgummole 9-2-1864 † Hull, Sioux, Iowa, 11-7-1949, 85 year, [] Hull, Sioux, Iowa; Douwe lived in 1925 in Garfield Township, Sioux, Iowa, in 1930 in Holland, Ottawa, Michigan;
x 1 Orange City, Sioux, Iowa, 3-9-1888 Klaassien Kooiker (Clara) * Echten, municipality De Wolden, province Drenthe, 25-6-1868; dr of Lubbert Roelofs Kooiker and Roelofje Derks Kooiker, farmers at Echten;
x 2 Jennie Vanzyl * 1864 † 1953
1 James van der Schaaf, follows IX.11
2 Rose Vander Schaaf * Hull 20-7-1890 † Hull 9-6-1959, at the age of 68, [] Hope Cemetery, Hull, Sioux, Iowa; in 1935 she lived in Rural, Linn, Iowa and later on in Lincoln Township, Sioux, Iowa,
x Hull 22-1-1913 Henry Hymans
3 Bert van der Schaaf, follows XI.12
4 Lubertus Vander Schaaf, follows IX.13
5 Kate van der Schaaf * Doon, Lyon County, Iowa, 1894 † Hull 9-2-1964, at the age of 69 [] Hull; she lived in Lincoln Township, Sioux, Iowa;
x Hull 5-2-1913 John Hymans * 1892 † 1983
6 Harry van der Schaaf, follows IX.14
7 Ralph van der Schaaf, follows IX.15
8 Dowie van der Schaaf, follows IX.16
9 Annette van der Schaaf * Hull 1907 † 2002
IX.1 Tjeerd Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 7-9-1875 † Ljouwert -5-1940, 64 years old, [] Berltsum; potato farmer and -trader at Bitgummole at Dyksterhuzen on Lyts Aysma; moves 1-10-1934 to Ljouwert, he runs there a vegetable hall on the Nije Buorren;
x 22-5-1902 Menameradiel 26 en 24 years old, Johanna Lammerts de Vries * Berltsum 27-11-1877 † Ljouwert -5-1945, 67 years old, [] Berltsum; dr of Lammert Arjens de Vries, potato farmer at Berltsum, and Geertje Gerbens Peterzon
1 Geertje Tjeerds van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 13-6-1905
x Wouter Adema; vegetable trader and potato merchant at Tsjom
2 Grietje Tjeerds van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 22-11-1908:
x Auke Stienstra; farm worker at Bitgummole, later on factory worker at Ljouwert
3 Douwe Tjeerds van der Schaaf, follows X.1
IX.2 Dirk Douwes van der Schaaf
x Hylkje Jacobs Gosliga
1 Douwe Dirks van der Schaaf, follows X.2
2 Gerardus Dirks van der Schaaf, follows X.3
3 Akke Dirks van der Schaaf
4 Akke Dirks van der Schaaf
x Marten Lieuwes Kingma
5 Tjeerd Dirks van der Schaaf, follows X.4
6 Hylkje van der Schaaf
x Oege Schaap
IX.3 Pieter Douwes van der Schaaf (Peter Vanderschaaf) * Bitgummole 8-9-1887 † 1952; potato trader at Bitgummole; moves 27-6-1918 to North Amerika;
x 1915 Jantje van Pijkeren (Jane, Jennie) * Oldebroek 23-5-1888 † Mountain Lake, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, 2-5-1993; Jennie moves with her parents, brothers and sisters to Hull, Iowa; dr of Gerrit van Pijkeren, clog maker at Oldebroek, and Jantje Mulder

Fotograaf: Helbing, Hull, Iowa.
Kolleksje: Erfgoed Fundaasje; dizze foto is stjoerd troch Piter van der Schaaf oan syn freon Gerben Reimers Brouwer te Bitgum
1 Jeanette Van Der Schaaf * 1916 † 1930
2 Margaret Vander Schaaf * 1918 † 1999
3 Dowie Vander Schaaf, follows X.5
4 Gerdina Van Der Schaaf * 1924 † 2001;
x Van Maanen
The children are named according to Frisian and Dutch tradition after their grandparents: Jantje Gerrits Mulder, Grietje Tjeerds Runia, Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf, Gerrit Franks van Pijkeren.
IX.4 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 7-3-1892 † Ljouwert 17-10-1949, 57 years old, [] Bitgum; potato merchant and -exporter at Bitgummole (nrs 201, 301, since Alde Maaie 1923 406B, 408C, 209), with a break of one year (26-10-1929 – 25-10-1930) as farmer at Berne, Kreis Oldenburg, Germany; church council member; board member Christian Reformed men’s association; ditto Oranje association;
x Ljouwert 19-5-1915, 23 and 25 years old, Minke Annes Okkinga * Koudum 11-8-1889 † Bitgummole 30-11-1969, 80 years old, [] Bitgum; at her marriage without profession at Ljouwert; 19-5-1915 she moves from Ljouwert to Bitgummole; council member institution for the care of the sick; dr of Anne Pieters Okkinga, shopkeeper and merchant at Koudum (nrs A83, A77, A207, Grutte Tsjerkestrjitte 46, A 180, A 149; since Alde Maaie 1909 at Ljouwert; in 1922 in Putten, since 20-10-1922 trader in vegetables in Bitgummole (nrs 210, since Alde Maaie 1923 196A, 95), and Berber Bartholomeus Schurer, seamstress at Koudum

Fotograaf: J. Dwinger, Greftswâl 9, Ljouwert.
Kolleksje: Erfgoed Fundaasje
1 Berber Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 26-6-1916 † 14-4-2000, 83 years old, [] Hallum; at her marriage wtithout profession at Bitgummole;
x Menameradiel 20-3-1941, 23 and 28 years, Alle Jans Tijseling * Hallum 2-7-1912 † 12-1-1986, 73 years old, [] Hallum; cattle merchant and farmer at Hallum; sn of Jan Ottes Tijseling, cattle farmer at Hallum, and Aaltje Alles Cuperus
In the Civil registery this family is registrated as: Tijseling; under the marriage certificate Alle signs with: Thijsseling, Jan: Thijseling, under his own marriage certificate Jan signs Tysling, his father Otte: Tijseling, his brother Engelbertus: Tieseling.
2 Grietje Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 22-3-1918; director company FAMAS at Kaatsheuvel;
x Andreus Franciscus Schalken (André); shoe manifacturer, administrator company FAMAS at Kaatsheuvel
3 Alida Tallina van der Schaaf (Alie) * Bitgummole 17-5-1920;
x Menameradiel 3-7-1945, both 25 years old, Willem Jacobs Greydanus * Deinum 22-10-1919; butcher at Deinum, Holwert, Marrum, Ljouwert and Grand Rapids; sn of Jacob Klazes Greydanus, butcher at Deinum (nr 15), and Deliaantje Jacobus Wittermans
4 Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.6
5 Maaike Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 16-4-1924 † Leiden 6-12-2002, 78 years old, [] Ferwert;
x Menne Jans van der Meulen * Ferwert 17-11-1914 † Leiden 28-9-1998, Van den Brandelerkade 6, 83 years old, [] Ferwert; psycologist and pedagogue; teacher pedagogue and English at Amersfoort, Snits and Leiden; sn of Jan Tjipkes van der Meulen, bread baker at Ferwert, and Antje van der Veen
6 Anne Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.7
7 Rigtje Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 26-9-1928
x Hette Tjitzes Hettema
8 Pieter Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 24-7-1932
l.w. Ans Hogenes
IX.5 Arjen Dirks van der Schaaf
x Trijntje Sybrens van Tuinen
See: Genealogy Van Tuinen IV.1.3
1 Jitske Arjens van der Schaaf
x Leendert Annes Runia
2 Dirk Arjens van der Schaaf
3 Dirk Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.8
4 Baukje Arjens van der Schaaf
x Leendert Annes Runia
5 Sybren Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.9
6 Doekele Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.10
7 Jacob Arjens van der Schaaf
x Diederica Catharina Scholten

8 Maaike Arjens van der Schaaf
x Antonie Bijmolt
9 Pieter Arjens van der Schaaf, follows X.11
IX.6 Doekle Dirks van der Schaaf
x Anna Leenderts Runia
1 Yfke Doekles van der Schaaf
x Fokke Hettes Hettema
2 Dirk Doekles van der Schaaf, follows X.12
3 Baukje Doekles van der Schaaf
x Gerben Rienk Visser
4 Leendert Doekles van der Schaaf, follows X.13
x Harmina van de Wind
5 Anna Doekles van der Schaaf
x Bonne Ylstra
IX.7 Pieter Dirks van der Schaaf
x Grietje Hayes Terpstra
1 Nanke Pieters van der Schaaf
x Migchiel Bouwes de Jong
2 Baukje Pieters van der Schaaf
x Hendrik Andries Sipma
3 Dirk Pieters van der Schaaf, follows X.14
x Aaltje Andries Sipma
4 Trijntje Pieters van der Schaaf * Bitgumole 18-4-1910 † Bitgummole 10-8-1911, 1 year old, [] Bitgum
5 Trijntje Pieters van der Schaaf
6 Leentje Pieters van der Schaaf
7 Jelle Pieters van der Schaaf, follows X.15
x Engeltje Jacobs Bergsma
8 Haye Pieters van der Schaaf, follows X.16
x Geeske Sjoukes Kramer
9 Arjen Pieters van der Schaaf
10 Doekle Pieters van der Schaaf, follows X.17
11 Grietje Pieters van der Schaaf
12 Nanne Pieters van der Schaaf, follows X.18
IX.8 Dirk Sjoerds van der Schaaf
x Maaike Klazes Schut
IX.9 Wijger Sjoerds van der Schaaf
x Anke Sjerps Molenaar
IX.10 Pieter Sjoerds van der Schaaf
x Antje Klazes de Vos
IX.11 James Van der Schaaf * Hull, Sioux, Iowa, 1889 † Hull, Lincoln, 31-1-1927
x Dora te Slaa
1 Gerrit John Vanderschaaf
2 Dowie Vanderschaaf
3 Gerald Vanderschaaf
4 Clarine Vanderschaaf
IX.12 Bert van der Schaaf * Hull 1892 † 1954
IX.13 Lubertus Vander Schaaf * Iowa 18-6-1893 † Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 10-12-1954, at the age of 61, [] Sheboygan, Wisconsin; in 1930 he lives in Lincoln Township, Sioux, Iowa, and in 1940 in Hull, Sioux, Iowa;
x Josie De Roos * Lincoln Township, Sioux, Iowa 30-3-1893 † Sioux, Iowa 12-3-1975, at the age of 81, [] Wildwood Cemetery, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Clair Dowie Vander Schaaf * 1915 † 1944
2 Ormond Francis Vander Schaaf * 1917 † 1986
3 Thelma Hope Vander Schaaf * 1920 † 2006
4 Faith Lucille Vander Schaaf * 1923 † 2008
5 Robert Jo Vander Schaaf * 1926 † 1927
8 Donald J. Vander Schaaf * 1928 † 2007
IX.14 Harry van der Schaaf * Doon, Lyon County, Iowa 26-6-1896 † Hull -12-1982, at the age of 86, [] Hope Cemetery, Hull, Sioux; he lives in Lincoln Township, Sioux, Iowa, and in 1925 in Lyon Township, Lyon, Iowa;
x Hull 28-2-1919 Tracy Van’t Hull
1 Esther Lilian Vanderschaaf * 1920
2 Marjorie M. Vanderschaaf * 1921 † 1985
3 Mildred A. Vanderschaaf * 1923
4 Robert Warren Vanderschaaf * 1924
5 Gennevevie Joyce Vanderschaaf * 1925
IX.15 Ralph van der Schaaf * Lincoln, Tama, Iowa, 1900 † 1968
IX.16 Dowie van der Schaaf * Hull 1906
X.1 Douwe Tjeerds van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 30-3-1915 † Frjentsjer 18-2-1999, 84 years old, [cremated] Goutum; jier; at his wedding vegetable hawker at Ljouwert; runs a potato and vegetable hall on the Nije Buorren at Ljouwert;
x Ljouwert 22-3-1939 Jetske Tabak * De Pein, municipality Gruttegast, 7-2-1914 † Ljouwert 16-9-1997, 83 years old, [cremated] Goutum; maid at Harlingen, since 5-7-1934 at Ljouwert (at J. Nauta, Groat Skavernek 31); by marriage shop help at Ljouwert; dr of Sieds Roelofs Tabak, 1905 farm worker at Droegeham, 1914 at De Pein, 1916 at Gruttegast, 1920 at Ænjum, 1920 at Westergeast, since 20-6-1921 at Driezum, since Alde Maaie 1923 at Eastermar (nr 268), since Alde Maaie 1924 at Achlum, since Alde Maaie 1927 at Menaam (nr 360), since Alde Maaie 1928 at St.-Anne (nr B518), since Alde Maaie 1929 at Minnertsgea, at Huzum, since 2-7-1944 loose worker at Ljouwert, and Catharina Ouwes Postma (Catharina has not learn to write at the wedding of Jetske)
1 Tjeerd van der Schaaf, follows XI.1
2 Sieds Johan van der Schaaf, follows XI.2
3 Catharina Johanna van der Schaaf (Tineke) * Ljouwert 8-9-1945;
x Ljouwert 4-7-1969 Rimmer de Vries * Snits 12-11-1941
4 Johanna van der Schaaf (Joke) * Ljouwert 31-5-1948;
x Ljouwert 8-5-1969 Johannes Brinkman (Hans) * Apeldoorn 23-1-1948
X.2 Douwe Dirks van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 26-3-1911 † Ljouwert 3-11-1956, 45 years old, [] Bitgum; at his marriage potato merchant at Bitgummole; later on factory worker at Ljouwert;
x Menameradiel 29-5-1941 Neeltje Roeda * Frjentsjer, District E nr 81, 18-1-1913 † Oentsjerk, Nij Heemstra State, 12-8-1996, 83 years old, [] Bitgum; since 20-4-1936 maid at Ljouwert (at H. Huizenga, Stasjonswe 8); since 15-7-1938 at Minnertsgea; at her marriage without profession at Minnertsgea; dr of Cornelis Franses Roeda, in 1901 house painter at Blije, in 1906 house painters worker at Frjentsjer, in 1908, ’11 house painter at Frjentsjer, in 1913 bicycle dealer at Frjentsjer, in 1941 house painter at Minnertsgea till his death in 1955, and Baukje Johannes Verbeek
1 Baukje van der Schaaf
x Alle de Haan * 22-7-1941 † Gytsjerk 8-1-2001, 59 years old; sn of Glat de Haan and Aukje Wynia
2 Hieke van der Schaaf
x Eddy de Boer/Baarn/
3 Tineke van der Schaaf
x Siebren Riedstra/Gytsjerk/
4 Akke van der Schaaf/Assen, hendrik van Boeijenoord/
5 Dirk van der Schaaf, follows XI.3
6 Cor van der Schaaf, follows XI.4
X.3 Gerardus Dirks van der Schaaf
x Antje Hoekstra
X.4 Tjeerd Dirks van der Schaaf
x Arendina Riemersma
X.5 Dowie Vander Schaaf * Edgerton Pipestone, Minnesota 1921 † Hudsonville, Michigan 13-8-2008, 87 years old; office bearer;
x 1949 Delia Brummel * Hull, Iowa, 3-5-1918 † Hudsonville, Ottawa, Michigan 3-9-2012, 94 years old; dr of Andrew Brummel and Grietje Gritters (Gertie)
Children: 2

X.6 Douwe Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 17-7-1921 † Bitgummole, Lytse Dyk 1, 78 years old, [] Bitgum; potato merchant at Bitgummole, Lytse Dyk 1;
x Menameradiel 18-7-1946 Aafke van der Velde (Afke) * Tearns 2-5-1922 † Ljouwert 31-8-1999, 77 years old, [] Bitgum; dr of Gerben Baukes van der Velde, cattle farmer in 1921 at Aldtsjerk, in 1922 at Tearns (nr 2), since 7-5-1926 on Wierdsma state, Noardermieden at Hallum, and Minke Ages Boersma
1 Arjen Douwes van der Schaaf, follows XI
2 Gerben Bauke van der Schaaf, follows XI
3 Anne Pieter van der Schaaf, follows XI
X.7 Anne Arjens van der Schaaf * Bitgummole 3-2-1927; potato merchant at Bitgummole; moves to North Amerika, there employee at Westinghouse, electric company at Grand Rapids;
x Loys Gerritsen
1 Arjen Vanderschaaf
2 Debra Vanderschaaf
X.8 Dirk Arjens Van der Schaaf
x Baukje Sijnes Nauta
X.9 Sybren Arjens van der Schaaf
x Hendrikje Reimers Brouwer
See: Genealogy Brouwer XIII.1.6
1 Arjen Sybrens van der Schaaf, follows XI
2 Reimer Sybrens van der Schaaf
3 Dirk Sybrens van der Schaaf
X.10 Doekele Arjens van der Schaaf
x Ymkje Hendriks Dijkstra
1 Oeke Doekeles van der Schaaf
x Johannes Maria Mahieu
2 Arjen Doekeles van der Schaaf, follows XI
X.11 Pieter Arjens van der Schaaf
x Hermina Jeannetta van Berge
X.12 Dirk Doekles van der Schaaf
x Anna Wierda
X.13 Leendert Doekles van der Schaaf
x Harmina van de Wind
X.14 Dirk Pieters van der Schaaf
x Aaltje Andries Sipma
X.15 Jelle Pieters van der Schaaf
x Engeltje Jacobs Bergsma
X.16 Haye Pieters van der Schaaf
x Geeske Sjoukes Kramer
X.17 Doekle Pieters van der Schaaf
x Antje Hoekstra
X.18 Nanne Pieters van der Schaaf
x Antje Arjens Boersma (Anne)
XI.1 Tjeerd van der Schaaf * Ljouwert, Bonifatius Hospitaal, 14-2-1940;
x Woerden 11-8-1967 Josiena Willy van Bemmel (Josien) * Mijdrecht 23-3-1940
1 Maria Gerda van der Schaaf (Marieke) * Easterwâlde 17-3-1969;
l.t. Peter Gerben Broekens * Haarlem 8-6-1964
2 Jetske Josina van der Schaaf * Den Haach 12-9-1971;
x Tilburg 28-10-1998 Pascal Petrus Franciscus Noordover * Leiden 2-4-1972;
XI.2 Sieds Johan van der Schaaf * Ljouwert 9-2-1943;
x Ljouwert 10-12-1965 Rinkje Dijkstra * Aldemardum 1-4-1943
1 Karin van der Schaaf * Ljouwert 2-9-1966
l.t. Tony Solomon Manet Benson * Monrovia, Lideria 7-2-1969
2 André van der Schaaf, follows XII.1
XI.3 Dirk van der Schaaf
x Jane Holmond/Alphen aan de Rijn/
1 Jamila van der Schaaf
2 Mariella van der Schaaf
3 Ligia Erica van der Schaaf
XI.4 Cor van der Schaaf
x Conny Coenen
1 Dennis van der Schaaf, follows XII.2
2 Amber van der Schaaf
XII.1 André van der Schaaf * Ljouwert 1-12-1967;
x Dokkum 29-3-1996 Janny Faber * Snits 7-2-1968
1 Jitske Paula van der Schaaf * Dokkum 23-11-1999
2 Nynke Marije van der Schaaf * Dokkum 16-11-2002
XII.2 Dennis van der Schaaf