Hettema tentoansteld – Etaazje 4
Underste etaazje:
– Hettema fiert reklame mei kaarten yn fjouwer talen.
– Keunstner Bert Bouman makket twa lito-searys foar jierkalinders: oer de bou fan ’e Ofslútdyk en oer Hettema de weareld oer: België, Brazilië, Dútslân, Frankryk, Egypte, Malakka, Marrokko, Spanje, Switserlân, Tsjecho-Slowakije, Uruguay.
– Yn dy keunstwurken stiet it Hettema-flagge-logo sintraal en in typys geografys herkenningspunt.
– Hettema advertises with cards in four languages.
– Artist Bert Bouman creates two litho-series for annual calendars: on the construction of the Afsluitdijk under the title: A people that lives, builds its future: New fertile potato land in sight.
– And on Hettema around the world: Belgium, Brazil, Germany, France, Egypt, Malacca, Morocco, Spain, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Uruguay.
Images of countries to which Hettema exports. The sales market in sight.
In the works of art, the Hettema flag logo is central with a typical geographical landmark.