HZPC has almost reached 125 years


Hannelshûs Hettema was founded in 1898.
According to family tradition, it was founded with the name Handelshuis Hettema or Hettema Aardappelhandel and is founded on 27-2-1898. This is the birthday of Hette Hettema, he will then be 35 years old (* Bitgum 27-2-1863). However Hette Hettema has also previously traded in mainly farm potatoes – including Germany.

See Heritage Foundation:
Hannelshûs Hettema
Kertiersteat Hette Tjitzes Hettema
Genealogy Hellema

When sons Tjitze and Fokke join the business, the name becomes Firma Hettema Zonen.
In 1999, Hettema Zonen merged with the ZPC under the name HZPC.
HZPC, the Hettema family and Erfgoed Fundaasje would like to find out if there is any evidence about its foundation in 1898, because we do not have any available so far. Does anyone have such documents? These would include deeds of purchase, photos with dates and old accounts.